


Spent most of today figuring out how to implement the save/load system for the log entries. I finally managed to get it working right after several hours of rather frustrating fiddling: basically, the ds_grid containing all the log entries and their relevant information is written into a virtual grid made up of two ds_lists, which is then added to a ds_map and encoded via JSON. All of this is done in a DAT file. When it comes time to load, the DAT file is opened, and the massive string (generated by json_encode in the save script) is decoded from JSON into a useable ds_map, which is then unraveled line by line essentially back into the ds_grid. If all of this sounds a bit abstruse, don’t worry, it was even worse to figure out.

I’m gonna try to completely finish the Log application by the end of the weekend. Tomorrow I’m probably also gonna take a brief detour to create a new environment for #screenshotsaturday: I reckon I can only show the same interface so many weeks in a row before people start getting tired; and anyways, it’s been a while since I’ve worked on a new environment anyways.

All in all, this month has started off pretty well.

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