


Between yesterday and today, I got significant work done on the third chapter of I., which I just published. I have some ideas for the next chapter, and will probably begin writing it tomorrow. I would also however very much like to resume working on 6.0 of the World again, as it’s been quite a while since I last published anything for it. I’ve been feeling unusually exhausted however these past several days for some reason and my thoughts are constantly plagued with bleak sentiments. It’s been very difficult to do much of anything both physically and emotionally, but I’m somewhat confident that it will pass on its own in time. The best I can do for now is just wait it out and not engage it too much.

On a more general note, I’ve decided that ideally, I’d like to update this site at least once a day. Even if I’ve accomplished nothing of value that particular day, I strongly believe that ensuring consistency in my posts will keep me tethered to a sense of schedule and help reinforce even just the barest semblance of discipline. The goal for now is really just to ensure that I don’t end up slipping back into indolence again.  

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