


Haven’t worked on anything today – and probably won’t bother starting at this point. An idea for a new game has been fomenting though for the past day or so. I feel somewhat excited by it occasionally. I would like to begin some preliminary work for it tomorrow. Maybe this time, I’ll use Twine or something… at least for the structural planning. 

More likely though, I probably won’t get to it at all. Not only is it too emotionally draining on a conceptual level, the very thought, let alone act, of actually working on a game these days is draining in a near-total sense. Every time I open GameMaker feeling inspired to do any kind of work, the mere sight of the interface just shuts me down completely and I start feeling as if my entire body has just been suddenly seized by some kind of narcoleptic episode. The logical follow-up to that would probably be to try another engine, but the thought of having to learn a new language and new interface and new workflow makes me want to give up before I even begin. I don’t know. Maybe I really am just not cut out to make games, after all. Maybe I am just better off quitting for good. 

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