


A pretty productive day. I woke up early – or, more accurately, at the time I usually should wake up, although lately I’ve been waking up (and going to sleep) much later for some reason – to an unexpectedly cold and rainy day. I spent the morning working on implementing the final water effects as described yesterday: splashes and ripples for walking and raindrops, as well as more balanced audio. I achieved all of those although I didn’t get an opportunity (or rather, I didn’t see the need to) implement the water depth; I thought about it for a bit and it’s a lot more involved than I care to deal with at the current moment. 

I have to restrict player actions at some point while they’re in the water so what I’m thinking is that maybe I’ll just create an entirely new sprite for when the player is in the water. That’ll consist of four variations (not including the pack variations): entering, wading, picking things up, and exiting. I don’t think I’ll allow the player to take the pack off while they’re in the water as that would be idiotic in reality, and the multitool is also not really functional in any meaningful sense. I think I’ll also have to implement drinking from the canteen and filling it up, but that should be very straightforward. So, all in all: six pairs of animations, to a total of twelve. I think I’ll get to that tomorrow. I also have to work on the rappelling stuff at some point too…

While working on my Inktober entry today (which was supposed to be of Twitch’s elite Maquis set) GameMaker encountered some kind of bug when I tabbed out of the window which overrode about an hour’s worth of progress. After several moments of impotent frustration I decided to just do a completely different subject instead of trying to salvage the old one. Honestly I like the final version – a portrait of Mercedes de Costa – better than what I’d initially had planned.

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