


(Although this was technically published on the sixth…)

Did a little more than the absolute bare minimum today: started on Pierrette’s portrait! By the time I woke it was already halfway through the afternoon and I knew by then that I was going to get approximately nothing done all day, yet somehow I managed to defy my own expectations, however so slightly. I got the sketch down on paper and then scanned her in and went over the basic outline / colours; not an insubstantial amount of work, now that I think about it, but far too rudimentary to post even semi-publicly. Maybe tomorrow? I’ve been telling myself that I’ve been wanting to post something for #screenshotsaturday for nearly two continuous months now, yet I haven’t posted a single thing, or even really worked for anything. This is no screenshot, to be sure, but at least it’s something. And something’s better than nothing, right? Right?

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