


A thunderstorm passed over the area today and now it’s very cool. It’s still rather humid though, and I’ve gotten so used to the heat that it still just feels hot for whatever wretched reason. I’ve also somehow run out of alcohol already…

Drew up a new sprite for the firestarting kit, which took up most of the day: but it looks quite good I think, and will significantly improve the experience. I also changed the way that the player places fire structures: they no longer have to dig a hole (which was already stupid to begin with for regular firepits), but can simply select the option to construct a structure (still have to build the menu allowing other options) and Avery will immediately place it down where she’s currently standing. I’m not sure if I’m gonna keep it that way or if I want to give the player a bit more manual control over where it’s placed, but that’ll be a decision I suppose to make over the next few days.

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