


Spent some time this morning sitting outside recording… urination sounds. It’s been unusually cold lately – I suspect it’s the hurricane – but I got the sounds I needed and they work well. I spent most of the day revamping the audio and specifically adding different varieties of footsteps based on the terrain and wetness (which is another mechanic I’ve implemented, or at least begun to implement). 

For some reason I still have yet to commit, let alone push a single changelog these past few days: I don’t know why, I have more than enough changes by now to warrant it. I should push my progress now that I’m thinking about it…

+ Implemented biomechanics for urination, including bladder, stomach and colon volumes
+ New audio for urination
+ New footstep audio based on weight, terrain and environmental wetness
+ Added player status UI
? New audio for picking up / dropping the bag

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