


Got up pretty late today, around 1500; every time I woke up prior to that I just felt incredibly exhausted for some reason. I’ve been having rather intense dreams lately, that leave me feeling haunted and oddly nostalgic when I wake. They’re full of people… most of them from the past, but some of them whom I don’t recognise. 

In any case, I didn’t get to start on either the foraging system or the interface today as I’d planned but I did manage to finally implement a proper save/load system. It’s pretty straightforward – just an INI read/write operation with a bunch of variables – but seems to work completely fine for the moment, so I’m just gonna stick with it until problems present themselves (although I don’t expect they will). I’m probably gonna have to rethink how some of the inventory management will work, as there’s gonna be an ungodly number of tracked variables eventually; although thankfully the vast majority of them are just static integers or booleans. If I’m able to get back to work proper tomorrow I’m gonna try to implement the inventory screen for the materials, as well as loading them into the food printer.

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