


Finally, a productive day for once. I woke up pretty early – well, “early”, that is, relative to my waking schedule the past several weeks – and, upon sitting down, felt an immediate sense of motivation. Or rather, perhaps more accurately, what I felt instead was the conspicuous lack of that dim, cloying fog that usually seeps away at my energy, robbing me of the ability to focus on my work for any meaningful period of time. 

I spent several hours today in a state of focused work and was able to complete a rather complex and lengthy animation for the player entering (and exiting too, as surprisingly, it ended up being pretty reversible) the bivouac. It turned out a lot better than I’d initially envisioned and in the process of making it I was able to gain a better understanding of multiple angles which I’d previously considered but hadn’t really bothered with because I thought they’d be too complex to visualise. Well, they were, to be fair; it just turns out I’d overestimated just how difficult they’d be to actually implement.

At night, I played several hours of Siege while drinking with a bunch of friends. It was a great time, and I had a lot of fun. In a kinda curious way, it reminded me a bit of how I used to feel back in high school: that sense of open, careless enjoyment of the physicality of the moment, imbued with the warm haze of alcohol and raucous laughter. It felt pretty good. I hope I can share more moments like these with my friends in the days to come.

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