


Feeling a bit more clear-headed today. The past few nights, I’ve been troubled by a series of intensely vivid and melancholic dreams, whose sobering effects linger long past the hour of waking. They’re the kinds of dreams which I suspect, were I still capable of crying, might move me to the verge of tears should I reflect too intensely upon their meaning or nature. 

Ironically, it seems to be precisely this effect which has managed to finally shake me out of the stupour which has seized my progress this past week (and probably longer, upon reflection). I’ve been making progress, slowly but surely, on the visual assets for the new sensor types. With my head more or less completely voided of the dark noise which previously wrought havoc upon my attention, I feel I’ve gained a much clearer insight into what I’m trying to do with this project at this current moment, and how to go about doing it. I think tomorrow’s meeting will be productive.

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