


Woke up feeling a bit off-kilter for some reason. Maybe it’s just the weather, I’m not sure: unexpectedly humid again (although fortunately nowhere near as bad as before). Spent the entire day in a somewhat troubled state of mind, thinking too much about contingencies that fall well outside of my control. The remission of that infernal din…

I spent the entire day just playing Fallout 76. It’s become something of a solace as of late, a space in which I can work through the noise in an insulated setting. There’s always something to do, but it never feels boring or stressful. Keeps my mind occupied while giving me room to think. And I’ve had to do a whole lot of thinking lately…

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Missed yesterday’s entry, felt real tired and fell asleep for a while, although not well. It’s been horribly humid and hot here lately, over 90F every day. While fortunately it hasn’t impacted my ability to work, it’s definitely taken a toll on my sleep schedule…

I sleep as long as I can and then when I can’t fall back asleep I try to get writing done. The writing’s going alright, just way too slowly. It’s much harder to come up with new things to write about than I’d originally thought.

Today’s work was productive, just with very minor and ultimately meaningless results. Added two new sets of animations for when Avery is checking the watch while walking during the day, and during night. Also imposed restrictions on the watch’s operation: it will now automatically switch between day/night mode based on the amount of available light, and whether Avery is walking or standing still. She will not use the night mode button when walking.

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