


Another alarmingly hot day. I felt exhausted throughout most of it and almost fell asleep a few times, although I managed to catch myself at just the right moment. Despite that, though, I managed to put in a decent amount of work regardless.

As I said yesterday, I managed to fully implement the visuals for foraging, at least for all insects currently. I haven’t yet started on the plant matter but the only thing that really needs to get done on that front are the individual sprites for each ingredient, which shouldn’t take too long.

I also started integrating a verlet physics solution to handle stuff like cloth. While it isn’t significant in any manner I do think it’ll add a bit to the presentation overall once I figure out how it works and get it set up properly. Of course, the success of it is largely contingent upon that latter condition, which, at this point, is not looking so feasible… I’ll give it a few more days though before drawing any hard conclusions.

Lastly, I’ve implemented a few general QoL fixes such as dynamic resizing of the letterbox depending on the length of the status text, and updating the position of the status text relative to the height of the letterbox rather than at at a fixed position.

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