


Ended up finishing a region of the world map today, at least in terms of the structure. Created a few new varieties of underbrush although I’d still like to improve a bit more on it: add some fallen / bent tree variations, vegetation clusters, etc. Density is improving now, which is a good thing; however I have a feeling that performance is gonna start being an issue real soon, if not already.

I’ve made the decision to scale down some of the rooms – ones with smaller focal points, mostly – from the standard 480×480 to 480×256. That gives me the opportunity to make more visually interesting and diverse rooms without having to worry about leaving half of it empty or filled with repeating underbrush (however realistic that may be). No important content is really being cut by the reduction and in fact the smaller size means I can dedicate the space in a more focused manner. The smaller room size also means improved performance in a number of regions due to trimmed-down instance count.

If I can average one new room every day or two for the next two weeks, that would be an ideal pace for the trailer… then I can get back to working on mechanics. 

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