


Spent several hours this afternoon streaming some development, got the cluster charges in Document finally working as intended (firing behaviour and all). I’d like to get another level built before the next release, which will probably be either late this coming week, or the weekend. I’ll probably do another stream mid-week, maybe on Thursday, and then again on Sunday if I’m feeling comfortable with it.

This week, I’d like to divide my time between further developing conceptual work for the new project (both visually and mechanically), and working on 6.0 of the World, which I’ve neglected for a good month and a half now – far longer than I intended. I’d really like to get the chapter out; I need to restore momentum, which by now I’ve pretty much completely lost.

Overall, I feel like I’ve made a good recovery overall and I feel both motivated and inspired to work. I’m not too concerned about the fact that I’m working on multiple projects at once; I feel that my engagement with each one is casual enough that I don’t feel (too) guilty not working on a particular one for, say, a week or so, and each one is sufficiently different from the other where I don’t really feel emotionally stretched. In that sense, I’m optimistic about the near-future.

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