


The waterfall now has parallax and proper animation, but more importantly: I’ve revamped the transitioner system between rooms. Previously, the character, upon reaching one end of a room, would be spawned on a random point along the width or height of the opposite end, with a check to make sure the player doesn’t spawn inside an object. The problem with this was that sometimes, especially in visually dense areas (ie, the woods), it would be difficult to orient Avery and required the player to actively search for her for far longer than comfortable. Now, each room has a predefined series of points – top, bottom, left and right – where they’ll be spawned in exactly. This gives me a lot more control over framing and instantly solves the issue of players losing track of Avery upon a transition.

I’ve been feeling unusually tired these past few days, I’m not sure why. I wake up and feel… anaemic, I guess, I don’t really know how else to say it. I think it might just be the weather. Either way, I can persist through it, I think. Hopefully it clears soon.

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