


Missed my entry last night; not gonna bother making it up. The day was complete shit and I wasted hours wandering around the city for literally no reason. Needless to say, I got effectively no work done whatsoever.

Fortunately, today was much better. Sawyer and I went to Brooklyn to attend a social event hosted by the local chapter of the IGDA. I was at best mildly curious about it but there were a surprising number of people there and I met some students, all from NYU’s Game Design MFA programme, with whom I talked for some time. It was a nice social experience – it’s been a good several months since I last spoke to someone new in person – and also, I gained a good deal of knowledge about the MFA programme in particular, in which I had previously held a passing interest but I never seriously considered it because I had some doubt in the professional efficacy, for lack of a kinder phrase, of the degree. She seemed to be genuinely enjoying the programme however and spoke highly of it, as did the other two, and meeting people who worked with games and seemed actually well-adjusted and enjoying life has been really encouraging and I feel imbibed with a greater sense of optimism. 

I think that I’ll start the application soon.

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