


Stumbled upon an annoying bug with the lighting system where objects with z-depth (ie those Avery can pass under and over depending on her position) would always draw over the gradient, resulting in some pretty awful consistencies that ended up being too frustrating to deal with due to the way I built the depth-sorting (next project, remember to use a custom z variable instead of the built-in y…).

I solved this by adding an option in the options menu to toggle between gradient-based and 1-bit dithered lighting. I’ll have to test how the gradient-based lighting works in a variety of other settings but right now it seems to be working okay in the rooms I’ve tested it in so far.

I’ve also added in a keyboard shortcut (currently bound to F1) that allows the player to fast-toggle all of the post-processing effects on and off. While testing it I realised that I haven’t seen the game in its original state, without any post-processing, in a very long time: it almost looks and feels like a different game in some ways. It was just interesting to observe.

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