

Month: March 2019


The entire month of March has all but passed by with minimal progress in terms of actually making anything new or interesting. That in itself is not all that upsetting – February, after all, was pretty productive – but my greater concern is that momentum itself has been lost. Every time I try to sit down to write now, not only do I have to struggle with the actual technical process of laying down lines and forms in a sensible manner, I also have to overcome just the initial barrier of entry which is, for lack of a better word, that distinctly dreadful inertia that arises in the wake of prolonged idleness. Well, I suppose that’s the consequence to be reaped when I let myself slip for so long…

The other day I finally decided to revive my Behance profile, which I’m now using to host my graphic work. Right now I’m working on my Characters gallery, which is looking okay so far but in terms of actual content it’s barely halfway done and there’s a good amount of work that needs to go into a) applying gradient to the existing portraits, and more pressingly, b) actually finishing the rest of the cast’s portraits.

Regarding World, I’ve actually been slowly and sporadically working away at 6.0 throughout the month, and although I’m not satisfied in the slightest with my rate of progress, at least I am making progress, in however limited a sense. It’s been one of the more difficult chapters to begin, but I’m optimistic that once I get past the initial introduction the rest of it should flow forth with much greater ease. 

By the end of the weekend (which really just means the end of today) I would like to get major work done on at least one new portrait, and finish applying gradient to the ones that are already done, which I would then like to update in the gallery. 

Last edited on 28 August 2020: Renamed title from “getting back into things” to “31032019″ to better reflect later naming conventions, and to establish a clearer inception date for the log. Also changed tag from “personal” to “log” for same reasons.