

Month: August 2021


Felt a bit better today. A sense of lingering melancholy but… I was able to push through it most of the day. Spent some time this afternoon outside at the station. Time seems to go by a lot faster there. Easier to think and read as well… 

I’ve made a resolution to finish and submit a pitch by Friday, before I head out. Need to get a bunch of stuff written, think through some things, clean up the build… I think it’ll be worth it though. I’m certain it’ll be worth it.


Grey, pallid skies. The temperature’s gone down a lot, which is nice. Feels like the end of summer already. I felt a bit sad today, and awfully alone. Opened up the project again for the first time in what feels like months. Maybe things will be easier once it cools down, and the days get shorter. I don’t know. That’s probably just wishful thinking.


Felt a bit confused and unclear all day for some reason, although not particularly bad, fortunately. Ended up mostly just reading instead of working on the pages like I’d initially planned. Maybe I should take a few days to plan things out comprehensively and get started proper on Monday…


Got the article finished and submitted! Definitely helped to ameliorate some of the noise. Gonna start drafting and working on the new “web” pages tomorrow for the game. I think I’ll start with the login screen and the landing page. Finally, some concrete work for once.


Hung out with Haolun all of yesterday after session until this afternoon, it helped a lot to alleviate the awful shit I was feeling the day before. I started working on the Breakpoint article again, it’s going a lot better now and I’ve making good progress with it, hope to finish it up and get it submitted by tomorrow. 

I’m also thinking about revisiting the in-game app designs for the computer. I think it’d be interesting to redesign the entire diegetic computer interface as a series of HTML pages loaded through the Chromium shell. It would certainly grant me a lot more flexibility in terms of offering mouse-based gestures, as well as being easier and faster to design (hopefully…) in terms of functionality. Maybe I’ll start on those after I get the essay submitted…


Had tentative plans to meet up with Haolun today but a hurricane’s passing over so we decided to shift to later in the week… it’s been raining continuously all day. I’ve been feeling real unwell lately, to put it lightly. Can’t seem to do much of anything. It’s like I’m paralysed in a constant state of debilitating psychic injury. Who am I really kidding, it’s been like this for months now…


Finished (what I hope will be) the last song today. It turned out better than I initially thought it would, thankfully. Getting it done has helped to alleviate my mood a bit, I think. At least I don’t feel so useless as I did yesterday. Just gotta take it one day at a time, one step in front of the other…


Spent the entire day just drifting in and out of a vague, disconsolate state of anger. It feels like I’m steadily dissolving. Into… It’s astonishing to think that just a matter of days ago I felt so… free, I guess. Free, both of and from anger, and pain, and the fear of uncertainty. Everything seemed so clear for just a moment. I think my father was right. That hope is a kind of prison. 


Another awfully humid day. Spent the entirety of it in contemplation. I think/hope the worst of it has passed. I felt a brief sense of peace this afternoon. Maybe peace is too strong of a word. What I felt was a break, or maybe just a remission. It feels like time is running out for me…


Terribly humid today, got little, if anything, done. Felt terrible too, due both to the weather and, well, the ongoing minor crisis I’ve been experiencing as of late, which I do not have any desire to recount yet again. I’ve begun to embark upon a new theology, I think; although I’m not at all optimistic about it, to be honest. I guess we’ll see.


Tried to talk about a whole bunch of things in session today that’ve been getting to me lately but my head got too scrambled for whatever stupid fucking reason and I ended up fucking up the delivery on almost all of them. Didn’t think anything through, just spit out a bunch of dumb, meaningless shit with no direction or way forward. Dumbass move, now I’m down another $150 and have to wait yet another week. Whatever, my life is busted anyways.


Managed to finish the update on time, after all. At least that’s one thing I’ve accomplished in the midst of all this. Honestly I think all this business with Jayne has really begun to fuck with my head in the wrong way. It’s just too insubstantial, too flimsy of a foundation on which to rest anything, let alone a sense of optimism. There was nothing there to begin with. I was mistaken, it happens all the time. It was just a trick of the light. I just gotta let it slip. Just gotta let it slip.


Distracted the entire day by stupid thoughts, and a massive spike of anxiety in the evening which led me to partake in what I am now recognising as a massively moronic decision whose consequences I likely won’t reap or even comprehend in full until I wake up tomorrow. Days like these, I find myself wishing I could just shoot myself in the head and be done with the lot of it.

Fortunately, between all of these not-so-fortunate missteps, I somehow still managed to figure out a coherent thesis for this month’s update and, while I’m still not finished with it, I think it’s turning out in a way that I feel okay about. I hope that tomorrow I’ll be able to get it done right. Hopefully my bout of idiocy will not follow me too much into the new day.


Felt a little bit better today, although also a bit more prone to frustration and anger. I think it’s just the heat that’s been getting to me. I’m going to try to get some writing done tomorrow during the day. I just remembered that I have to submit an essay by the end of the month: best to get on that quick, while I’m remember it now. And then this month’s update after that…


Another terribly hot and humid day. Culminated in a downpour right around dusk, a real tremendous affair, lightning and thunder and all that. The next several days are apparently going to be similar. Hard to do much of anything at all, days like these…

Aiming to get at least one entry done a day from now on. I’ve found that – maybe unsurprisingly – it tends to be easiest to write after I finish my daily entries. Which is to say, late at night, at the “end” of the day… For some reason I just can’t seem to get my thoughts together coherently enough at any point earlier than midnight. It’s completely incompatible with my sleep schedule, of course, despite my better efforts to force them into alignment. I don’t know. Well, as long as something is getting, at this point, I guess I don’t have much right to complain…


Woke up feeling a bit off-kilter for some reason. Maybe it’s just the weather, I’m not sure: unexpectedly humid again (although fortunately nowhere near as bad as before). Spent the entire day in a somewhat troubled state of mind, thinking too much about contingencies that fall well outside of my control. The remission of that infernal din…

I spent the entire day just playing Fallout 76. It’s become something of a solace as of late, a space in which I can work through the noise in an insulated setting. There’s always something to do, but it never feels boring or stressful. Keeps my mind occupied while giving me room to think. And I’ve had to do a whole lot of thinking lately…


Fell behind a day on entries, as well as work. My mind’s been a bit scattered lately, too much going on at the same time, it feels like. Like everything’s all mixed up at once. I feel like the month is passing by alarmingly quickly, yet at the same time, it feels like September can’t come fast enough… I know I’ll be regretting that feeling soon, though. 

It’s strange. I feel like my life has changed so profoundly within the past several weeks, and yet, somehow I have nothing to show for it. No external signs, no manifestations. Something tectonic, experienced glacially, whose repercussions and aftershocks won’t be felt until long after. I think I’ve changed for the better. I feel like I’ve changed for the better. I hope I’m not mistaken.


Spent the day going over possible publishing scenarios, as well as setting into words my specific objectives at this point. Tomorrow I’m going to start preparing the pitch deck. I’m not sure if I’m going to end up committing to this course of action, but I think it’ll be good to give it some time, reflect upon it regardless, at least until the end of the week.


First “proper” day of the new schedule. I struggled to work today, to be honest: still got the same issues as before, feeling deeply unmotivated and disconnected from my work, and unable to contextualise it properly. That being said though, I still put in the effort during my hours. I used the time to think about potential solutions. I’ve come up with one fairly radical one, that will certainly work, I think… 


First day back from break. Much has happened… perhaps not in terms of quantity, but immensity. Well, I don’t want to get into any of it here. I’ve started working on a new schedule, starting from today (Sunday). I think it’ll work out well, but we’ll see. Just need something to keep me occupied for the next month, at least. I hope it works.