

Month: February 2022


Another productive meeting. Was able to arrive at a tentative schedule for the rest of development, although it turns out there was a typo that somehow got overlooked by both parties in the contract regarding a date for delivery, so that’ll have to be revised and resigned at some point hopefully soon.

I spent the rest of the day drafting a task list for the next several months. I have  a pretty good idea of my priorities moving forward, as well as the pacing of content to be created, which was something I’ve been struggling a lot with these past few months. With the arrival of March, my progress from here on should be certain, and fixed firmly within something material.


Had a strange session today. Came away from it feeling vaguely troubled, although not necessarily in a bad way. I think I just need more time to figure some things out. I think I need to take a break. An actual one this time. Get my head straight and all that.


Somehow there’s only one week left in the month. Been feeling real disoriented these past couple of days. A lot of random bursts of rage. Must be the weather. Gonna focus on cleaning up the final draft for this week’s meeting. Ideally I’d like to get it done by tomorrow so that I can get it submitted a day early, but rarely does reality ever abide by my ideals, it seems…


Somehow slept through the entire day. By the time I woke up the sun had already set. I think I’ve slipped into a depressive state. I’d like to get some work done either tonight, or tomorrow. I think I’ll start implementing the field receiver.


Today’s meeting was very productive. I came away from it with a much clearer sense of things to focus on in terms of wrapping up the plots and rebuilding a number of mechanical systems around them. The plan is to get the full outline completely finished by the end of this month, so that come March, I can immediately begin the process of implementation. One plot a month, and then two for clean-up and testing… The path forward grows clearer by the day.


Felt a bit better today after speaking with the doctor. Gonna finish up Avery’s plot tomorrow and get it submitted. I decided to let go of this month’s update after all. It’s unfortunate, but it’s not like anyone really reads them anyways, or that there was much I could really report to begin with. Hopefully next month I’ll have something more substantial.


Woke up terribly late again. Not a great way to start off the week. I think I’ve been feeling rather angry lately, although in a more subdued and concentrated form, resembling something like hatred. Obviously I didn’t get any work done, including anything involving this month’s update. I was supposed to have a meeting this morning but it ended up falling through. I’ll have to get the update written tomorrow before session.


Been feeling pretty fucked up these past two days. I don’t know why, but my head’s filled up with noise again all of a sudden. I wanted to spend the weekend working on stuff for the update, but I wasn’t able to get anything done. Fortunately I have a meeting tomorrow morning to pull me through the beginning of the week, and hopefully give me enough of an impetus to get the update done and out by tomorrow.

Fucking Valentine’s Day…


Today’s meeting was very productive. I came away from it with a much clearer sense of what I’m going to do with both the plotting and pacing. The part I was struggling with the most – how to onboard the player in a way that simultaneously feels seamless within the fiction, while also serving as an effective introduction to the game itself – has seemingly been resolved almost completely in a way that, in retrospect, feels deceptively obvious.

I’m going to spend tomorrow developing some new content for this month’s update.


Spent the entire day writing, and blocking out environments. It’s starting to come together in a way that I feel could be genuinely interesting, for the first time in a while. Just gotta get through this last bit here. Then things can really get going.


Been a while since I’ve made an update. It’s not that my head isn’t in the “right place” or anything, so to speak; I just haven’t really been making any progress that’s directly quantifiable, I think. Need to start working on something that is pretty soon, for the sake of this month’s update: but overall I’ve slowed down a bit, and am just taking time to really figure things out in terms of the plot and pacing.


And here we are, in February. I’ve spent way much time thinking, I have to get something written and submitted by the end of tomorrow. I don’t know why I always find myself in these kinds of situations, where I leave both myself and others to whose time I’ve been held accountable with such little breathing room to think things through properly. Gotta get better at this…