


Got basically nothing done today. I felt terrible, and terribly distracted. I did get some research done into the worm farm in the evening, and I have a much clearer idea both of what it’s going to look like, as well as how it actually might function. I reckon I’ll be able to finish it in a day once I’m able to get started. Seeing Ada will help me get me out of this, I think.

I’m no longer certain if the 25th is really a deadline. It turns out that it’s only applicable for games that were selected to participate in promotional materials: mine hasn’t, at least not yet. I’m not holding my breath on it, to be honest. If it ends up being irrelevant, then that gives me a full additional month. As helpful as that will be for giving me to time to polish the experience, right now, I must admit that it feels rather deflating.

I’ve come to dread the idea that I will have to leave home again soon, especially for so long. I can no longer really afford the time, least of all the distraction; and more importantly, I don’t want to. I just want to stay home and work. It’s too late now though to cancel and lose all that money. I suppose I should just accept it as a direct consequence for my rashness. I must learn to not be so impulsive in the future…