


Spent the first half – well, over half technically – of today asleep, and didn’t wake until 1600. It was already beginning to darken outside by the time I finally came around, and recognising that, on top of the fact that I’d basically wasted the entire day, filled me with a sense of profound disappointment. 

I immediately set about working when I finally got up, and managed to significantly increase the density of several pre-existing areas, which now look suitably forest-like. I also worked on several new generic environmental assets, and cleaned up some old ones. It turns out that at some point through some adjustment or other I’d disabled shadows on all the trees without realising it, so I fixed that as well, and added a bit of directional randomisation to all flora instances to further increase the complexity of their appearance in-game.

Next week I plan on working exclusively on environments for the trailer, and I’m very seriously committing to getting one done per day. At that rate, if I’m able to maintain, I’ll be able to get all of the new environments I needed done on schedule. Once Sawyer returns from Thanksgiving holiday we’ll get to work on the trailer. I’ll spend about a week planning the layout with him and brushing up assets, and then commit the rest of the month to producing promotional materials and documentation for the Kickstarter.

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