


Haolun came and stayed over last night, which is why I didn’t make an entry yesterday. We watched Her, and then talked a lot about Maria. Or really, I just talked a lot about her. I find it pretty pathetic honestly that I still think about her so often and with such acute emotion as well. Nobody should think about anything – especially another person – so long with such little sense of commitment to decision, let alone action. Well, I suppose I made my choice a a while ago. 

I didn’t get nearly enough progress done this weekend on the treatment for the trailer. I guess that’s the first thing I have to work on starting tomorrow (or later today when I wake up). In terms of visuals, I think I’ll start working on heating up and eating rations. If I can get the entire process for preparing and consuming one full ration done by the end of the week, and finish up the trailer treatment, I’ll consider this week a success.

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