


The month’s already over, and I barely registered its passage. I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. It’s probably neither. Well, October’s here now, which means that Inktober’s starting up, and I decided to commit to it again this year (I did it last year as well, which feels so far away that I had to actually go back and check my Instagram account just to make sure that it was in fact last year and not 2017). I’m settling for fast, easy sketches this time around – so not at all that dissimilar to last year actually – although coming up with new things to draw each time is gonna be a pain the ass, I can already tell. Well, whatever.

I started working today on a new background for a cliffside. Originally I was planning on starting the animations for anchoring and rappelling but then I realised I needed an environmental context anyways and it’d be good to showcase so I decided to set that aside for after I’m done with this. The perspective is a bit tricky on this one and while normally I’d have been able to finish at least just the initial draft in an afternoon or so like I was expecting it ended up taking a whole lot longer and I still barely have the foreground figured out, let alone the background stuff (which needs to be rendered in parallax, but that’s a lesser concern at the moment). I’m gonna put in some real heavy hours tomorrow making up for today’s relative lack of progress.

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