


Cancelled session today, for obvious reasons. It would’ve been a pretty brutal walk if I hadn’t, anyways: a steady 94F throughout the afternoon, unrelenting sunlight. The cancellation gave me a bit more time to just rest, and gather my thoughts. Seems like the soreness has receded a bit, and the cough is manageable with a substantial amount of water throughout the day. 

I was able to get a bit of work done today, and my thoughts felt clear while I was working. I’ve continued working on the CPBE questions, cleaning up the backend a bit so it’ll be easier to adapt it for different uses down the line. I’ve also introduced the ability to render certain sections in bold, which has done a surprising amount of work to substantially improve the appearance of the interface overall. 

I hope to be able to get it done, and sent out by the end of this week. At this pace, I feel this is once again attainable.

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