


Added room transition effect. It’s the only major change, but there are a bunch of minor changes as well including new collision masks and other stuff I’ve now conveniently forgotten. My idea with the transitions is that moving beyond the borders of the room where applicable spawns the player in first) a random map (from the nine pre-assembled ones) and second) at the opposite side of the new room (so for example, if the player exceeds the top bounds of the previous room, she’s spawned somewhere on the bottom of the next one) at a random x-value.

– New and improved tree sprites.

– Moved the draw event for GRASS to its own Draw Begin instead of in DEPTH_SORTER’s Draw. Also changed draw depth for grass: it now will always draw below everything else.

– Added sun and sunlight effect in rmGorge

June is now officially over, and with it, I’m gonna attempt to shift my main focus back to But For Now, We Are Young. I’m very satisfied with my work this month and I hope July brings equivalent success.

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