


Spent most of the day fiddling around with carabiners and compression straps trying to mix audio for the rappelling. I’ve got the clip-in and ascender motor sounds finished, although they still sound a bit rough to me; all that’s left in terms of sounds are the clip-out and landing, which shouldn’t be too bad. I think I can get those done in an hour or two, and then it’s a matter of animating a rope and fixing up as best I can the shadows (or lack thereof…) on the descent… that should get me through tomorrow. I haven’t posted anything public in some time, so hopefully this is able to serve as a decent segue into a recovery.

Martin and I finished watching GTO today. Aside from the spinoff prequel, which we’re going to watch tomorrow hopefully, we’ve now seen every iteration of it it – 1998, 2014 and now the anime, all specials included. It’s been quite an experience, to say the least. This is the second time I’ve watched through all of it now and my life has changed significantly since last I saw it, which was during my second year of withdrawal from the world in university. I feel considerably more motivated and purposeful now. Nonetheless though not only has GTO retained its power but I think I feel even more moved now than I did the first time watching it, being able to recognise in it things I couldn’t see before. The Yoshikawa-Anko arc in particular moved us both to tears. It makes me long for the days of my youth. I feel filled with a sense of profound optimism and confidence now in myself and my friends. I hope I’m able to channel it productively into my work and interactions with others in the days to come. I hope I don’t lose sight of it too soon.

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