


Just now, entering the date, I’ve come to realise that September is halfway over, yet I barely perceived its passage… I’ve begun to feel rather sad these past few days although in a barely perceptible way. I’m almost certain it has to do with my body subconsciously registering the passage of time on a moment-to-moment basis, while my mind is forced to catch up in lurches and sudden shifts. Perhaps sadness is too strong; melancholy is probably more appropriate. The leaves have yet to amber but I can feel it in the air already. The coming autumn: it reminds me of the things I lack. I remember a quote from what seems like a really long time ago: “To a hikikomori, winter is painful because everything feels cold, frozen over, and lonely. To a hikikomori, spring is also painful because everyone is in a good mood and therefore enviable. Summer, of course, is especially painful…” And yet, autumn too… 

Anyways, I finally got around to fixing the UI: and which, by “fixing”, of course, I mean that I just decided to completely replace with a new one. Lateral thinking at its finest, I suppose. Actions no longer show up in the letterbox, but as dynamic bubbles above Avery when she draws close to an object that can be interacted with. I feel like the current implementation looks decent from a technical perspective but also it feels very out-of-place for how smooth the animation looks, as well as the rounded corners (which I’m honestly beginning to dislike the more I look at it). In fact, I’m really beginning to not feel it so much. Well, at least I got the backend done.

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