


Sawyer came over, we went to a diner as usual and then viewed a thoroughly unpleasant and disturbing film. We then discussed the details of how I envisioned the trailer, as well as my projected timeline for work goalposts and target releases, which goes something as follows:

Next week, I’m going to start shifting focus over to implementing environmental stuff which means new rooms / world cells, as well as all the associated spritework. My goal is to have by the beginning of October enough visually diverse and interesting content to be able to begin production on the trailer. Although I don’t imagine it’ll take too long at all, since I’m targeting a winter release date for the first public trailer, I’ll be working these last two quarters at an accelerated rate with the intent of solidifying the foundational mechanical frameworks while simultaneously developing a wide variety of content for the trailer. 

Four months should be more than enough, although I have to be careful given the way I work not to burn myself out or even let that become a remote risk. So long as I maintain my current pace and expectations however I believe I’ve achieved a stable momentum that’s highly productive without becoming conducive to unnecessary stress.

We also discussed a bit about my commercial projections and hopes for this title. I’m not gonna discuss them here because I think those are the kinds of things that – at least during the process of development – are best left private but I will say for certain that I’m broadly optimistic for a number of reasons which I feel are well-substantiated in reality. Here’s hoping my optimism pays off… although first, of course, I have to actually finish the work before all else.

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