


Hung out with Sawyer today and watched both Blair Witch films (that is to say, the original and the 2016 remake). They were both much better than I remembered, and I had pretty good memories of both of them. Watching them definitely helped me get a much better idea of how to handle certain elements of My Work Is Not Yet Done.

Speaking of which, I finally managed to implement the rest of the door, however half-assedly, which still needs a proper shadowcaster and animation (maybe a good sound effect would suffice in place of the animation) but is otherwise working as intended; and I started work on denser grasses featuring wind animation which proved to a much bigger pain in the ass than I expected. 

That being said though I think I’ve finally solved the main issue – smaller grasses were animating way too fast – although tomorrow I think I’m gonna try a new solution where I’ll separate each individual blade of grass into an object, create a bunch of what are essentially prefabs of grass clumps with those blades clustred together in various configurations, and then spawn the prefab objects rather than the sprites themselves. It’ll be pretty annoying to set up at the start but I think it’ll have a very positive impact on the appearance of the grasses overall. Hopefully though it won’t dig in to the performance too much, which is something that I’m already beginning to worry about: I noticed today that in some areas the framerate dips down to around 16 or so, which is completely unacceptable for a game that already runs at 24fps to begin with. I’ll definitely have to take a deeper look into optimisation. Maybe I’ll work on that next week on the plane…

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