


It was nice to see the doctor today. I forget that I actually miss her quite a bit in the weeks I don’t see her. I spent the rest of the day working on the revised outline. 

Working on it has made me rather acutely aware of the amount of work left. At the same time though, seeing it written down in a precise, itemised format, it doesn’t seem nearly as much as I’d envisioned in my mind. 

I made sure to front-load some asset-heavy work for the rest of this month so that I have some things to release to the public. Call it vanity – and maybe it is to some degree – but it helps a lot to keep me motivated. It’s been rather difficult this past month working in the obscurity of UI backends (which, if I’m being completely honest myself, I seem to have somehow broken with my latest attempts at optimisation). Soon though I’ll have more interesting work to show.

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