


A good amount of progress today on multiple fronts:

– continued painting the station BG, about 60% done at this point and all that’s left really are the tracks (which admittedly is no small task but at least an end is within sight now)

– set up integration between Discord and Bitbucket to track my commits in a private server using Zapier. Not strictly necessary for anything, but it was a nice change of pace and looking at the server and all the commits really helps ground my motivation

– completely reworked the “work” page on my site, it looks a good deal better now and presents more information about each project

At some point – hopefully this week – I want to create full case studies for each of my projects as either MD or HTML files and put them up on the site so people can get a better sense of my objectives and challenges with each project. It’d certainly strengthen the portfolio overall, and I also reckon it’d be pretty nice just to brush up on my writing in general. 

I’m also thinking about doing some general restructuring overall for the website, as it’s been quite a while since I’ve updated it design-wise: maybe a bit of the proverbial spring cleaning couldn’t hurt.

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