


Yesterday I wrote a post saying that it was the last day of month in a state of exhaustion only to realise (just now, as of this post) that in fact, today is the last day of the month. So I guess that’s that.

On a positive note, I got paid. It wasn’t anything exceptional, but it covers my imminent debts and brings me back over the critical red line in balance, so it’s good enough. I have off tomorrow, which gives me time to work on stuff. I’m not sure what I’m going to work on yet; hopefully I’ll feel in a decent enough mood to work on 6.0. If not, well…

I submitted my application for a thesis prize earlier today. The reward is $1000, which is no joke – that’s more than I’ve ever had in my bank account at any given point in time. I don’t know how likely I am to win it (probably not great…) but it’s the fastest and easiest way I can quickly gain some financial leverage at this point in time, so it’s worth a try. I’ll hear back in June. By then, maybe my circumstances will have changed…

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