


Back on schedule… at least for today. Woke up around 0700 but didn’t feel too tired throughout the day, which was (is?) a good sign. These past few days have seen a return to colder, wetter skies. I struggled for a bit to figure out whether I wanted to work on writing (6.0 has, yet again, not been released…) but ultimately decided against it. Probably for the best, anyways: not that I would’ve gotten much out of it. I did get a good amount of work done on drawing the pop-up ads, though, and the backend also works well. With that in mind, I’d say that I’m actually decently satisfied with progress today.

This week, I accomplished none of the goals I set out for myself last week. This was due to the unusual malaise with which I was overcome throughout the literal entirety of the week. Taking this into account, for next week, I’ll retain the same objectives, but lighten my expectations: 

– 6.0 is still the major priority in regards to writing and I will work on it as soon as I am in a sufficiently proper mood 

– the narrative framework for We Are Young still has to be laid out but writing-wise, for now, it takes second priority to finishing and releasing 6.0

I’m deferring the spec document for now, both because Abdullah won’t really be available until later in May (finals and all that), but also because I figure I’ll get to it anyways in the process of constructing the narrative framework, so I’m not too worried about it. 

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