


I haven’t done anything yet today, but I feel like I’m in the right mood to be able to potentially get things done. I woke up today at 1500 utterly defeated but I happened to catch Jacob (who works on ITTA) streaming and watching him work through some stuff really helped me gained the motivation to not only work on things, but to just get out of bed in the first place. 

First things first, I’m pretty certain 6.0 isn’t going to be released this week. I’ve made absolutely no progress on it whatsoever; but of greater concern, I don’t really have any motivation to work on it. However…

Lately, I’ve been feeling the urge to work on a game again. I’ve had some ideas floating around for a while now, which I mentioned cursorily in some previous entries; but they’ve really started to take form lately. I talked a bit with Jacob on his stream about developing stuff and it got me feeling pretty motivated to actually put some work into it. Hopefully I’ll have some stuff to show of it soon.

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