


Continued working on improving the bivouac animations. I added a new variant of the tarp which is camouflaged, and blends in well with the environment. I’m not sure yet which tarp I’m going to set as the default one, but it should be pretty straightforward to allow the player to choose between the solid-tone, and the camouflaged variants. 

I still have two sets of animations to go for the bivouac: putting the backpack into the tent (and taking it back out), and the entire disassembly process, which is going to involve some concerted effort. I’m most likely going to work on the former tomorrow, hopefully get it done by mid-day: and then, Monday and Tuesday are going to be dedicated exclusively to developing towards the publisher target I mentioned yesterday. Lots of work ahead, but it’s nice: for the first time in a while I feel like I’m actually doing something useful with my time.

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