

I’ve been tired all day. Fell asleep early last night, woke up real late today. Struggling a lot with motivation… I feel really stuck in the design. I downloaded Godot today to see if it might spur any kind of action in me; but the truth is, looking at the interface and realising I would need to learn an entirely new workflow, I just gave up instead, almost immediately. I’m psyching myself out too much thinking about logistics and planning. I’ve just gotta settle on something and try it out. I remember, very vaguely, that when I first started making games, I didn’t know anything about how involved it would be technically, but it didn’t matter: I just started messing around because it was interesting and sometimes being able to get something working as intended was a cool feeling, but mostly just because it was interesting. I don’t feel like the actual process of making games is interesting anymore. I think I’ve become too focused in the past few years on end products and what having an end product would mean for myself, both existentially and practically. It’s necessary to think about that stuff, to be sure, but I think I do it too much, in a way that’s become counterproductive…

I’d like to check out Unity tomorrow. I think it’ll be slightly easier to stomach as far as the transition goes, given that I have a decent amount of familiarity with it historically. I also want to start setting up the initial Gamemaker project itself too.