

Another productive day. Didn’t sleep much last night, but didn’t feel it much today either. Spent most of the day working on a new draft for the combat screen with updated visuals for the player and enemy entities. I’m fairly satisfied with it. It feels suitably cramped and dynamic at the same time.

In the evening, I decided to revisit the audio. I was rather shocked to discover just how wasteful and undisciplined my previous choices were with regard to the lengths and sizes of the audio files. I imported all of the audio files from Work into the foundation project (I’ve decided to just refer to it as Base from now on, in accordance with my other naming choices), stripped out the files that were too specific to Work, and then renamed all of them to fit a more consistent organisational schema.

When renaming the files, I discovered the aforementioned issue with the file sizes. After doing some research, I decided to just convert all of the audio into OGG format. I cut down the most egregious offenders with regard to track length (one track was 30min of repetitive rain sounds…) and compacted the rest. I haven’t tested it in-game yet, but all of the tracks seem to play properly in-game… I hope there won’t be any issues. I was able to cut the total size of the project by around 200mb, or around a 60% overall reduction, to just under 150mb. About half of the remaining bulk is graphic assets, which I think could use some cleaning as well. Could get the file size down even more by reducing the bitrate of the largest tracks, but at that point I think it just spills over into neurosis…

Felt better today overall, or at least not bad. I wager that having a good bulk of the work involve reading through documentation and trying to learn new techniques helped significantly to break up the accrescence of the sadness. For now, as long as I am able to focus on what’s right in front of me, the abscess is a little bit easier to ignore.