


Didn’t get much of anything done today, to be honest. I stayed up till almost sunrise last night for no good reason and ended up waking up at almost 1500. My brother left early this morning to move in with his friend, and I didn’t get the chance to say anything to him. It’ll be another three months or so before he returns, by which time it’ll be winter, and the end of yet another year. Well, it’s not like I would’ve known what to say to him anyways even if I had the chance. We don’t talk often and our lives are just too different.

The weather was very pleasant today and I spent most of the afternoon outside just walking around and looking at the sky. I felt a bit sad, but I don’t know why, nor can I even really describe what it was that I felt sad about. I tried to get some writing done, and actually did surprisingly, but it was way too little to feel like anything even close to meaningful. I don’t know why things are moving this slowly. The work itself is not even particularly difficult. It feels like it’s me who’s moving through time at a glacial pace. Like I’m just floating, without current.

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