


Spent most of the work day today on an animation for getting into generic beds. Stupidly enough, the hardest part wasn’t actually figuring out the animation itself, but trying to work through the mechanical implications of how I wanted to handle generic beds without creating for myself a ridiculous amount of work. At first I wanted to have Avery spread out her sleeping bag over the mattress first, but then I realised that I’d have to create a separate animation just for that, as well as figure out what happens if she’s not carrying her pack, etc…. it was a real logistical pain so then I tried to justify why she’d be comfortable sleeping in someone else’s bed in an effectively abandoned location. 

After wasting about an hour trying to work through that I gave up on justifications and just ended up implementing the mechanic after all. Some stuff still needs to be touched up – namely, the audio, as well as a better transition into and out of her clothing – but it should otherwise be good to go, at least as far as the visuals and implementation are concerned.

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