


Added the firestarter kit materials to the save/load system, which is pretty self-explanatory. Most of my work today involved streamlining the UI for the actual firekit itself. The most major change is that now, once Avery runs out of certain tools (or has yet to find them), they will no longer be displayed in the pouch as if they’re usable. The quantities display correctly based on Avery’s inventory screen in her tablet as well, although I’ll have to do some more specific testing tomorrow to make sure the order doesn’t get messed up if she sorts the inventory differently in her tablet. All I really have left in terms of major functionality is to implement the specific firestarter animations (most of which don’t exist yet), and to adjust the probability of the fire being successfully lit based on the materials present (which will require a slight overhaul of the current system). I should be able to get those done by Saturday.

I spent the rest of the day working on writing, and I’ve basically completely finished Avery’s backstory. Now it’s just a matter of writing the logs and completing the others…

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