


Wanted to work on the printer some more today, but I decided not to for whatever reason at the last minute and instead spent the day dealing with a variety of miscellaneous adjustments and whatnot. The most interesting one involves player-based collisions with solids; before, the player could just force Avery to slide against solid surfaces by pressing two directions (ie, up and right, or down and left), causing her animation to get locked in a weird position. I’ve now implemented a fix which aligns her properly with whatever direction she’s “sliding”: for example, if the player presses up and right against a wall to her right, instead of using the upward-diagonal sprite as before (when her sprite was tied entirely to player input and ignored her surroundings), now her sprite will change to the more proper and natural upward sprite. Her walking animation is now also properly disabled when she’s stopped by a collision, meaning she won’t continue to walk forward into a wall that she cannot pass. Lastly, I fixed a long-running issue which caused her animation to spasm when two keys in opposing directions (ie, left and right) are held down simultaneously. She now will default to her base idle animation, and won’t move.

Outside of movement, I also fixed the movement (or lack thereof, as I discovered) on the tall grass when Avery passes through it. I was wondering why it looked off for so long and I finally figured it out why tonight. I still have to figure out how I’m gonna handle the depth issues on it, but I’ll save that for another time.

Lastly, the wind movement of the trees and smaller flora have been adjusted to feel much more natural. Instead of just standing still at rest, they now sway in their “idle” position, with a wind collision triggering a particularly strong rightward sway. The intensity of the sway can be adjusted via a script and is relative to the mass of the objects (so trees don’t sway as much as various plants and such).

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