


Missed last night’s entry because I was too tired by the end of the day but Sawyer and I finished up the bulk of the trailer and were able to cut a final draft just in time for the holidays. There’s a few more relatively minor edits to make before I feel it’s fully ready for publishing, which we’ll work on when we meet in a few days for the new year, but all in all, it came out looking really good, almost better than my expectations, and I’m quite proud of it. I think it’s our best work yet, and I’m looking forward to being able to publish it.

Went to a Christmas party tonight where I met with some old childhood friends. I was surprised how nice it felt to see all of them again – that even if we don’t really talk to or interact with one another at all outside of these gatherings (let alone regularly), somehow every time we meet every other year there’s always this feeling of real… kinship, I suppose, although a better way to frame it is probably as this unique sense of shared history, a kind of enduring memory of the passage of time. It’s such a fundamentally banal yet strange thing: that we all grew up together as children and now, almost a decade and a half later, we’re all more or less adults. In some sense I reckon we’re almost witnesses to each other’s lives in a certain and very particular kind of way that most people aren’t so fortunate to have, and there’s something oddly moving about that. I dunno, maybe I’m just too sentimental, and the spirit of the holidays – however little of that there is left, anyways – has started to get to my head. In any case though, seeing them has made me feel better about the future and the past alike: being able to have faith in the stability their lives have offered, and will hopefully continue to offer as a parallax to my own. And in turn, I hope I’ll be able to offer the same to all my friends in the days to come.

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