


Moderate snowfall all throughout the day. The sight of it made me feel rather listless and disconnected from myself and the outside world. There’s this curious sensation often associated with fresh snowfall called anosmia: a near total lack of smell. The snow blankets the environment, trapping and burying beneath it the usually dense cloud of natural odours and scents lingering in the air, which our minds on a regular basis barely register on a conscious level as anything above ambient noise. The whiteness of the snow, combined with the general lack of sound, combined with the near total lack of scent – there’s something terribly eerie about it all, an almost praeternatural kind of stillness to the world for just a few moments. For just a moment you become intimately aware of just how much stuff is actually going on at any given moment which you’ve just filtered out into the fringes of your attention; and only in its absence are you able to finally recognise, if not distinguish its presence. There’s a real loneliness to it. It makes me feel both calm, and slightly uneasy.

I’ve spent the past day or two writing up the content for the Kickstarter campaign. All of the text is mostly done, although I have to go over it a few more times over the next week or two to edit for consistency across sources. Tomorrow, I’d like to start compiling images for the page (which I’ll most likely recycle as assets for the store pages as well).

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