


Spent the first part of the day improving environmental assets, then decided to cut a new track for the trailer after realising how difficult it’d actually be to actually pace the footage to the old one. Everyone who’s now heard the new track says that it’s a significant improvement over the old one both in quality and tone, and I’d tend to agree: it feels more unique I think and does a better job setting the mood. Best of all it heavily samples a track by a buddy of mine, whose work I’ve wanted to feature for a while since I met him back when I was working on MA. He hasn’t worked on music in a long time I think but hopefully this will be able to turn him some new followers, for whatever it’s worth.

Didn’t end up seeing my high school friends after all: some logistical fuck-up as per usual when it comes to these kinds of things. Well, we always have next month, during the winter holiday – or so it goes. Thankfully it meant I had more time today to work on things, which is always good. Tomorrow I’m gonna clean up the track and add some finishing touches, and start working on a new environment. Two more days till December…

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