

Author: Spencer


Finished the medical treatment UI for now, and compiled three more clips for the trailer. It turns out I have about a minute’s worth of footage left to record, and roughly twenty (nineteen, to be exact) potential cuts to account for. I’m thinking about creating a few more cinematics as well – maybe four or five – which reduces that number a bit. There’s a lot of miscellaneous actions that I can showcase which can fill a good bulk of the required volume but the main issue is that I’ve yet to figure out a way to showcase them in an interesting manner, as I’m not confident zooming in for the footage which means that at least for now I have to have diverse environments for each individual action, which is a total pain in the ass. It’ll no doubt be worth it in the long run, though. I suppose what I work on will ultimately depend heavily on how I’m feeling over the next few days. I’ll try to work on some new environments tomorrow.


Started working on the medical treatment UI today since I realised I needed to get it done anyways as part of the trailer. Managed to get the general graphics laid out – placement, size, basic interactivity – so tomorrow I’m gonna work on text. I think for the trailer I’ll just use a sketch of the final version as the internal framework is gonna take far longer than I’m willing to dedicate right now for what’s probably gonna end up to be a five second shot at best. 


Freezing rain. The branches and needles and leaves were all covered in this thin  and brittle encasing of ice but at the right angle in the right light it looked rather beautiful, in a strange and inexplicable kind of way. Today was the first time I’ve been outside for a significant period of time during the day time in a while. The air felt cold and clean and the sky was a real dismal, lonely swirl of grey.

Made good progress on the trailer today with Sawyer: finished up the initial draft, meaning the entire intro and most of the major structural elements have been successfully coordinated and executed. Now it’s up to me again to start working on additional content to fill the remaining space – just over a minute of fairly rapid cuts, which is honestly much better than I expected – over the next two weeks or so. Most of it is already in some stage of development so it’ll just be a matter of implementation. Luckily, a lot of it is also very UI-based stuff meaning I can get away with repeating some environments since most of the screen will be obscured significantly, if not entirely anyways. In any case, having gotten this much work done today at once has substantially improved my optimism moving forward for the next few weeks and I feel freshly motivated. If this feeling endures, it’ll be an excellent way to start off the new year.


Small but significant update this morning: implemented Steam integration (the game now shows up in the Steam library, although there’s no store page info as I’ve obviously yet to publish that), and created a new icon and splash screen for the game. I also sent in the Kickstarter for review – a process that apparently usually takes around two to three days, but which, much to my surprise, was cleared almost immediately after submission. I don’t know if I just got lucky or if their approval process has changed and the information page just hasn’t been updated accordingly, but whatever the case, I’m glad that I encountered virtually no friction here. 

On a semi-related note, I’ve decided to push back the release date of the campaign and Steam page to early next month. Not only does it give me more time to work on assets for the trailer, but it also works better from a strategic point of view. Releasing around the holiday season as it turns out would have been a pretty risky maneouvre. 


Failed to make an entry yesterday as the internet was shut off for the entirety of the day. I’ve mostly just been working on more cinematics, and have managed as of today to more or less complete the intro sequence. I’ve also edited the music for the trailer a bit to feel better aligned with the more stark and minimalist pacing of the visuals. It’s been over a week now since I’ve worked on anything in the game itself and it feels strange. Now that the most major work is done though (well, hopefully, at least), I can get back to working on new environments again. In two days I’ll have reached the original deadline for having finished production on the trailer. 

I’ve been feeling pretty disturbed lately lately, and the one day without internet really crystallised that feeling for me into a tangible reality. Today I fell asleep at 1300 and slept for almost twelve hours with few interruptions, experiencing a number of incredibly strange and vivid dreams whose physical toll I could feel in my body after I awoke. I had an argument today with my mother – the usual things, what else – that further exacerbated my general unease into an overwhelming cloud of palpable dread and anger. I thought I was getting better this entire time, that I was improving and becoming a better person… calmer, kinder, more forgiving. In reality though, maybe it was just because I went unchallenged for too long, that I developed a false sense of progress. That this whole time I’ve just been under some kind of delusion of self-improvement. Well, it’s as they say. It doesn’t matter how many things you do right, as long as you manage to do one thing wrong at just the wrong time. 


Haolun came over again late last night, the first time we’ve met since Thanksgiving. We went to the diner as usual and then drove around until 0300 or so. I felt pretty exhausted throughout the day but still managed to get one cinematic cel completely done as I hoped yesterday, and started on two others which are structurally finished but need to be tweaked and cleaned up a bit. I’m hoping tonight I’ll be able to correct my sleep cycle so I can once again return to a normal schedule of work.


Managed to recover some momentum today: worked at a steady pace throughout the morning on a new cinematic, and arranged the framing/pacing of the previous ones. Although my rate of production was technically under expectations I don’t feel too bad about it as it’s still an improvement over yesterday.

Looking at the amount of work I have left for the trailer, I’ve realised that it will probably be worthwhile both for the sake of its quality and my sanity to extend the deadline for it a bit, maybe a week or two. With the holiday coming up, it’ll be difficult to coordinate meetings which means that for at least an entire week I’ll basically be unable to implement anything anyways, which works to my advantage at the end of the day as it buys me more time to develop more interesting assets. 


Completely lost momentum for some reason. I woke up early, stepped outside and looked at the sky, and immediately realised right at that exact moment that I would get nothing done today. I don’t know why. It snowed last night but most of it didn’t last past noon. I spent the day in a restless, listless mood, pacing around my room in circles and staring at spots in the ceiling that appeared for a moment to be patterns. I’m too tired to do anything else tonight, let alone work. I hope tomorrow is better.


Another productive day. Once again was able to not just meet but in fact exceed my target goal by evening, and also managed to draft out what I believe will be, with minor tweaks, the final layout for cinematics. I haven’t opened the project in several days now; I hope the rest of the week goes according to plan and I’ll be able to return by next week to working on stuff in-engine. 

My sleep schedule has become compromised as of late, although I’ve yet to feel any noticeable negative consequences. I have a feeling I’m wasting away my nights, but it’s also hard to work during the day too. I feel more easily distracted than usual… so far it hasn’t presented any serious logistical problems but it’s something I should definitely seek to address moving forward.


Got two more cinematics done today, which means I’ve started off the week on schedule. I’ve been encountering a lot more difficulty than I initially expected getting Avery’s facial features consistent across multiple angles – it turns out I overestimated my ability to maintain facial consistency across multiple angles entirely without references – but to be honest I actually quite enjoy the challenge since I can feel myself improving on a moment-to-moment basis as I gain a better understanding of her features and angles. I have a strong feeling that a good part of my disorientation stems from the fact that her facial structure and body type are both ones I’m pretty unaccustomed to drawing, which makes it harder for me to visualise what she looks like from different perspectives. Either way though I got it figured out for today and I feel satisfied with my progress.


Started working today on some cinematics for the trailer. I spent the entire first half of the day trying to figure out how exactly they’d look, which is almost always the longest and most difficult part of the process: but once I got the first one sketched out everything else fell into place almost immediately afterwards. I’m gonna continue working on them for the rest of the week: hopefully I can average around two or three a day, to a total of a dozen or so. Since I’m working at a smaller resolution, hopefully it’ll be a bit easier. All the images are gonna have to be drawn and assembled at 4:3 (or 1.33:1) aspect ratio which is gonna be a little bit of an annoyance because it’s not a resolution I’m really used to working at but I reckon I’ll get used to it pretty quickly in due time. I’m looking forward to this week’s work.


At some point this afternoon I fell asleep in such an odd position that upon waking I found the entire left side of my upper body uncomfortably stiff, unable to turn my head left without feeling considerable pain in the neck muscles. Although it’s subsided a bit the pain and stiffness are still both very much present hours later…

I worked today on mixing two new tracks which I recorded yesterday. Although I was initially hesitant on having any kind of music at all I realised that the slightly distorted nature of the recording (which I did via my phone) actually suited a diegetic score very appropriately, leading me to reconsider my earlier reluctance. I’m thinking that each outpost will have its own theme that plays automatically the first time upon entering, and can then be replayed via a console. Listening to music will help improve Avery’s mood, as well as improve the quality of her sleep. 

Speaking of sleep though, maybe it’s time I should get to sleep…


Skipped yesterday’s entry for no reason whatsoever beyond sheer lack of will. Sawyer came over, we discussed the details of the trailer and then we set up the Steam product page. I worked on that a bit more throughout today, and everything now except the trailer is basically complete. Everything about it is a fucking trial to work through, to say the least… I remember it being pretty goddamn bad but it’s somehow even worse than I expected.

My goal for next week is to finish all of the scenes for the trailer. I’m considering the possibility of making some brief cinematics shots throughout: I’ll start on those over the weekend.


A cold bright day. Nearly all the snow has melted away. I spent the entire day working on assets for the Kickstarter page and made a substantial amount of progress. I’ve managed to finish nearly all of the key visual assets, meaning the only things left to do are the trailer, and some miscellaneous headers/interface elements. I imagine it should only take about another week or two at this pace, which puts me far ahead of schedule: if all else goes well maybe I’ll be able to finally get back to working on stuff I’m actively interested in again sooner than I expected.


Moderate snowfall all throughout the day. The sight of it made me feel rather listless and disconnected from myself and the outside world. There’s this curious sensation often associated with fresh snowfall called anosmia: a near total lack of smell. The snow blankets the environment, trapping and burying beneath it the usually dense cloud of natural odours and scents lingering in the air, which our minds on a regular basis barely register on a conscious level as anything above ambient noise. The whiteness of the snow, combined with the general lack of sound, combined with the near total lack of scent – there’s something terribly eerie about it all, an almost praeternatural kind of stillness to the world for just a few moments. For just a moment you become intimately aware of just how much stuff is actually going on at any given moment which you’ve just filtered out into the fringes of your attention; and only in its absence are you able to finally recognise, if not distinguish its presence. There’s a real loneliness to it. It makes me feel both calm, and slightly uneasy.

I’ve spent the past day or two writing up the content for the Kickstarter campaign. All of the text is mostly done, although I have to go over it a few more times over the next week or two to edit for consistency across sources. Tomorrow, I’d like to start compiling images for the page (which I’ll most likely recycle as assets for the store pages as well).


The first snowfall of the year, and with it, the arrival of December. For some reason, lying in my bed just looking up at the ceiling, I was overcome with a sudden vision of spring which both seemed like so long ago yet not so far away at the same time. The past few months have been permeated with a particular creeping sense of melancholy whose origins I can’t quite place, and which itself remains teleologically elusive. I can’t tell if something’s just a little bit off in my life, or if it’s something beyond my control… it’s frustrating, to say the least, especially since it seems to be affecting my overall productivity pretty significantly, in ways I have difficulty articulating, let alone defining.


Another month gone. I want to say I’ve made significant progress because I feel as if on some level I have, but also, I’m not really sure. I do know for certain though that I wasn’t able to complete all the intended objectives for the trailer in time. I’ve realised that actually the consequences for that aren’t as dire as I wanted to believe: I have most of December to continue brushing up on pre-existing assets, as well as creating new ones, on top of writing all the copy for the Kickstarter and Steam pages (most of which is already written to some degree). That should be more than enough time – if I don’t get complacent like I have been most days these past few months, that is. Just gotta keep on keeping on, as they say.


Spent the first part of the day improving environmental assets, then decided to cut a new track for the trailer after realising how difficult it’d actually be to actually pace the footage to the old one. Everyone who’s now heard the new track says that it’s a significant improvement over the old one both in quality and tone, and I’d tend to agree: it feels more unique I think and does a better job setting the mood. Best of all it heavily samples a track by a buddy of mine, whose work I’ve wanted to feature for a while since I met him back when I was working on MA. He hasn’t worked on music in a long time I think but hopefully this will be able to turn him some new followers, for whatever it’s worth.

Didn’t end up seeing my high school friends after all: some logistical fuck-up as per usual when it comes to these kinds of things. Well, we always have next month, during the winter holiday – or so it goes. Thankfully it meant I had more time today to work on things, which is always good. Tomorrow I’m gonna clean up the track and add some finishing touches, and start working on a new environment. Two more days till December…


Started the day off in a rather dark and dare I say frangible mood, which thankfully resided over the course of the day into a more stable kind of melancholy. I was able to get a bit of work done today, mostly focusing on lighting effects for the interiors, but I’m still dragging at an unacceptable rate in terms of overall assets. Tomorrow, I might be visiting some old friends, meaning my schedule is once again uncertain, and Sunday, Sawyer’s coming over to begin work on the trailer, meaning the only day I have left to actually devote fully is Saturday. Well, I suppose I only have myself to blame for this rising wave of nausea building within me.


Woke up after sunset feeling like absolute shit. Nevertheless, perhaps spurred by the dismal state of my affairs, I immediately set about work and was able to maintain a reasonably steady pace for the rest of the night. I’m almost done with the environment I’ve been working on the past few days – probably the most difficult one actually, since it’s an indoor location and requires the implementation of fairly advanced lighting paths (which I finished up today) – so it’s just a matter of persisting and not getting distracted. Just a few more weeks and all of this will come to fruition…


I woke up at a respectable time again today but, as you can probably tell given the time of this entry, I have a feeling that’s about to end pretty soon. Despite my early start I managed to completely waste away the entire morning on various trivial activities of which I astonishingly have almost no memory; and then I spent the afternoon labouring away at a handful of pixels at a painstakingly glacial pace. The upside is that I have indeed finished what I was drawing; the downside is that yet another day passes in which I’ve accomplished virtually nothing of substance.

Well, I suppose that’s not entirely true. Haolun came over tonight and after spending a few hours driving around aimlessly and eating fries I felt freshly imbued with a newfound sense of energy and over the span of an hour or so managed to design and implement a better torch effect, which is leagues above the previous one and which I’d even say almost singularly vindicates the failure of the latter. The luminosity of the beam now drops over distance in a semi-realistic manner (had to make some slight adjustments to account for the range of the spaces in-game, so it’s much less powerful than it most likely would be in reality) meaning the further the light is pointed, the narrower the beam, and the weaker the light. It’s a cool effect that dramatically improves the feeling of darkness in the game, allowing the player to navigate and perform basic actions without negating the effect of the darkness (and I’d say that in fact it actually amplifies it). I’m surprised I didn’t think of it earlier.

Maybe I really do work best at night after all.


Woke up before dawn and worked without pause for the entire morning, which allowed me to accomplish a good variety of unexpected tasks including revamping the general ambient audio, implementing a pointer-based hand torch, and adding furniture and paneling to the interior of the cabin. 

For all the things I managed to get done though I still somehow feel it wasn’t enough. I was supposed to work on a new environment today but for some reason, once again, I just did something completely off the schedule. It really frustrates me in a way that I feel is actively burning me out. I have to keep on persisting though. It’s a shame that this period had to coincide with the holidays, when all my friends are coming home. Maybe I can take a few days out. Either way, just a handful of weeks left before I can get back to feeling more normal…

Aurora and I went out to the reservation today and looked at the water.

I enjoy spending time with her. We’ve known each other long enough that our conversations are imbued with a certain kind of history and understanding that only longevity can grant, even when it exists beyond our articulation. 

It was the first time I’ve seen her this month, as well as the first time I’ve been outside proper in several weeks. It was a warmer day – relatively speaking, anyways – and the air felt clean and bright. For a moment I felt properly invigorated, my mind and spirit eased of the fog of my work, and I felt I could finally look clearly at myself and the world around me. I became aware of the sensation of what I can only really describe as a kind of brightness emerging within me… which lingered for just a moment before giving into this wave of immense sadness, or perhaps more accurately weariness: the sudden realisation of the fact that my work is not as profound as I sometimes believe it to be, and that my actions will most likely have no great weight or bearing upon the lives of others in any foreseeable manner. But before I could confront it with any proper sincerity or reflection, the feeling vanished and was replaced instead by this kind of dim, melancholic ebb that lent to the rest of the day a kind of somber and wistful quality. I fell asleep some time around evening and woke with the acute sensation that I’d just drifted through vast stretches of time with no consequence.

I guess all of this is to say that maybe I really just need to start getting out more. 


Spent the first half – well, over half technically – of today asleep, and didn’t wake until 1600. It was already beginning to darken outside by the time I finally came around, and recognising that, on top of the fact that I’d basically wasted the entire day, filled me with a sense of profound disappointment. 

I immediately set about working when I finally got up, and managed to significantly increase the density of several pre-existing areas, which now look suitably forest-like. I also worked on several new generic environmental assets, and cleaned up some old ones. It turns out that at some point through some adjustment or other I’d disabled shadows on all the trees without realising it, so I fixed that as well, and added a bit of directional randomisation to all flora instances to further increase the complexity of their appearance in-game.

Next week I plan on working exclusively on environments for the trailer, and I’m very seriously committing to getting one done per day. At that rate, if I’m able to maintain, I’ll be able to get all of the new environments I needed done on schedule. Once Sawyer returns from Thanksgiving holiday we’ll get to work on the trailer. I’ll spend about a week planning the layout with him and brushing up assets, and then commit the rest of the month to producing promotional materials and documentation for the Kickstarter.


Didn’t end up visiting Norah after all: turns out she was too hungover apparently from whatever she was doing last night and felt too tired to meet. Well, no surprises there, I suppose. This happens nearly every time: we’ll schedule some time to meet and everything will seem fine right up until several hours before the agreed time, when she’ll tell me that for whatever unpredictable reason she no longer wishes to meet. She’ll then offer to schedule it to some other day but both of us know that it’s just a displacement of responsibility for the moment. I guess in some sense her ability to disappoint never quite fails to disappoint.

As they say though, fool me once…

Anyways, that ended up completely throwing me off so despite starting off the day in a productive mindset, I ended up losing control and slipped back into a state of vague uselessness. I just sat around all day and played video games in a state of mind so disconnected from the tasks at hand that I can’t even recall in any detail what I actually played today. I’ll have to make up the lost work tomorrow.

I have to stop placing so much emphasis on the presence of others when it comes to planning. People always end up coming up with some bullshit excuses and honestly, I can’t really blame them, because I do it too, and I’m even doing it right now, probably to a more harmful degree, pushing the responsibility for my frustration and the resulting ineptitude onto the (in)action of a convenient other. But who wants to confront their own shortcomings willingly? At the end of the day I suppose it really is just best after all to place one’s faith and sense of balance in work above all else. At least that way the only person I can blame for letting me down is myself.


Another early sign-off. Trying to improve my sleeping schedule so I can spend more time working in the daylight. Today was productive: I woke up around 8 and worked throughout the day creating and improving assets, including some new animations, and further refining the pointer system. It now consistently tracks real-time mouse movement instead of simulated (meaning the pointer speed is much more predictable now), and checks for overlap between the cursor and the entire sprite of the target rather than just the bounding box (which has to be smaller to accommodate the depth stacking system). The pointer now actually feels good to use. I’ll leave it be for now. 

Tomorrow, I’m visiting Norah so I’ll be gone for most of the day but when I return I plan on working on more environmental assets. There’s just over a week left in the month and a bunch of stuff I’ve yet to finish but I’m confident I can get it all done on schedule.


Checking out early tonight, I feel incredibly drained for some reason. Another day with decent but irrelevant progress: I implemented a pointer-based text interaction system that allows me to implement a dynamic and semi-randomised array of item descriptions (ie, flavour text) upon hovering the mouse over the object. I’m also considering switching the direction of the hand torch from being dependent upon Avery’s current walking vector – which makes for a rather awkward and imprecise control scheme – to being tied instead to the mouse, which allows finer and more intuitive control over the light. I’m considering tying Avery’s direction as well to the mouse, at least when she’s standing still: if the mouse’s x-position is to her left, she’ll face to her left, and vice versa. In order to do that, I have to figure out what the hell is going on with the mouse cursor in the first place.

All of that sounds good and all, but truth be told, it’s completely not what I should be prioritising at the moment. Why do I keep dragging on this shit? I know exactly what needs to be done, yet for some reason I just never actually commit to doing it, and instead end up doing some totally non-urgent task that’s just enough to convince me that I’ve accomplished something for the day even though – and this is the most frustrating part of it all – no one’s actually being fooled otherwise, myself in particular. What a monumental waste of time. I have to get started on actual work tomorrow. This time for real.


Just another day. Spent a good while this afternoon writing log entries for Avery, which turned out better than expected. It’s not exactly a total waste of time seeing as I did get a good amount of content done, but it’s also not what I should be prioritising now, which is stuff for the trailer.

I really hate this feeling – of feeling guilty for doing the wrong thing, just because there’s something else that needs to be done first. I mean, of course, there are priorities and deadlines, that’s the nature of work; but it just feels like it wasn’t so long ago (although I suppose it really wasn’t, not even a full half-year since I’ve started) that I could just do whatever I felt like doing and enjoy it in the moment. Well, no use complaining about it, it’s just the price I pay, and one I’ve chosen to pay.


A decently productive day. I decided to stream again, during which I was able to successfully finish two fairly involved animations. Although admittedly I don’t particularly enjoy streaming, it definitely helps keep me focused for sustained periods of time, which is probably the area I struggle with most. The awareness of persistent surveillance and external scrutiny ensures that I’m actually working instead and not getting sidetracked by random pitfalls. 

The month is almost over, in less than two weeks. The plan was to have all of the content assembled for the trailer by the end of the month so that I could work full-force come December towards getting the trailer and campaign out in a coordinated manner. While I’m still confident I can make the upcoming deadline, I have to admit I’m cutting it a bit too close for comfort, and as I’ve mentioned repeatedly, my rate of progress but more importantly my mood these past few months has been concerning. My pace is practically glacial at this point and the only thing that really keeps me going consistently is the sense of structure I’ve enforced upon myself. I hope there are no issues regarding the trailer; if it comes down to it, I might have to end up cutting it myself after all, which is a contingency I have to be prepared for.  

There are some days, I have to be honest, where I don’t feel as if I’m working at all. Or as if I don’t even feel like I really exist anymore. It’s when I see what other people are doing – my old friends – with their lives, earning money, moving away to distant corners of the country, even just grinding away at the jobs they hate, day in and day out. There’s a certain kind of envy I feel. Not for their work itself, which I’d hate to do, but for the sense of externalised purpose and meaning. Their work is not solitary like mine is. It’s grounded in something beyond themselves. However petty that ulterior purpose is, they’re part of something – and for now, at least, I’m not. My friends and I, we’ve got each other’s backs and we’ve got others in whom we can entrust parts of ourselves… but at the end of the day, our work is solitary and it’s unbearably lonely, even to one another, and there’s no solace from that, not even release. We’re here I suppose because of that: because we couldn’t fit in with others, because we couldn’t tolerate the stupidity, the redundancy, the sheer repetition of the world. But I’ve discovered now that in all of that, there’s something else too, which we don’t have: the reassurance of one’s place and purpose. I wish I could say the same for myself; but honestly, some days, I just feel lost.


It seems as if my weekend of malaise has, completely unsurprisingly, spilled over into the work week. I sat at my computer for the better part of the day just staring at the screen basically. Eventually I did get some work done drafting out the food system. I still need to get some of the details figured out – exact quantities and weights mostly – but I think by and large the system’s now fully planned out.

1. Basically, raw food materials must first be found and/or collected in the world. Avery can hold up to 1.5kg at once in her pack.

2. Raw food materials must then be brought back to the outpost and loaded into the Food Processing Unit, where over the period of one in-game hour, they’ll be processed into a cartridge of usable materials.

3. These cartridges must then be loaded into the food printer, and a ration schematic must be selected. Different schematics have different requirements, and produce rations with different properties and advantage. The rations will then be printed (each one takes about ten minutes of in-game time to print).

I’ll start on the animations for it tomorrow.


I woke this morning feeling in a strangely unmotivated mood but I set myself to work anyways and managed to achieve some minor successes, the most major one being the conversion of the bulk of my notes to Trello, where they’re now organised in vaguely coherent outlines. I must admit, for a moment while transcribing some of the projected plans, I felt struck by a sudden sense of anxiety as I realised just how much work still lies ahead. 

I reorganised my desk today, and as a result, I think I feel marginally less distracted, although it’s probably just a placebo at work.


No work today, just posted my #screenshotsaturday – which admittedly was kinda half-assed and didn’t look anywhere near as good as I intended – and then did nothing for the rest of the day. I felt unusually choleric today for no discernible reason, although lately as a whole I feel as if I’ve grown more prone to spikes of unexpected anger. I don’t know what’s causing it, but sometimes, it almost feels pleasant in a way, at least in the moment…


I’m glad to report another productive day. I got a lot of work done on environmental assets, including furniture for the outpost as well as a denser wooded variation. I think I’ll present the latter tomorrow for #screenshotsaturday after a few touchups, and then I’m gonna spend the rest of the weekend implementing the furniture. Next week, I’ll start working on animations for the outpost assets. 

I realised with a start just now that the month is already halfway over. Although I’ve making good progress so far and for all intents and purposes I’m still well on schedule, I felt a sudden spike of anxiety or perhaps more accurately this creeping sense of unease that somehow I’m not gonna be able to finish on time. I don’t expect that to actually happen, of course – in fact, I not only will do but am currently doing everything in my power to make sure it doesn’t happen – but it’s still there. No doubt I reckon it’s just the usual fare for any kind of major deadline… 

Although overall these past few months have, all things considered, actually been pretty good, that sense of foreboding has really begun to mount lately, in tandem with the aforementioned anxiety about the launch. The days seem to be passing by faster and faster and I feel like I’m losing track of time, as if the parallax has disappeared from my life: all of my old friends have either moved on and slipped away or they’re still here but they’ve become similarly dislodged from time like me. 

I don’t necessarily mean that in a particularly negative sense, but I can’t help but feel at times like it is something negative, in the quite literal definition of the word: like there’s something missing, an absence of sorts where previously something else had filled it and given it form and shape. Well, I suppose that’s actually exactly what’s happened: I’ve lost external structure and the world outside has by and large, at least on a day to day, moment to moment context, ceased to matter. A good friend of mine says it’s because of repetition: you do the same thing every single day and after a while you stop noticing the passage of time because your body and mind become accustomed to the flow and rhythm. I trust him on that.

In some ways it feels nice, because I no longer feel burdened with all the stupid responsibilities and bullshit expectations that used to just constantly crush me. But on the other hand, lacking those, I’ve come to realise that actually my interior is rather quite empty – and more than that, it’s empty in a way that’s neither profound nor interesting, but rather actually quite horribly mundane. I suppose that’s just how it is for most people though, hell, maybe everyone. I suppose a large part of growing up is learning to come to terms with that.

Anyways, in more grounded terms, I’m running out of money, so I really do have to prioritise the success of the Kickstarter campaign now. In a fit of mild frustration earlier today I caved and bought a pizza and although it wasn’t that expensive – $13, which is actually a pretty decent price – it forced me to realise with sobering clarity that my bank account is running precipitously low and has been, over the past several months, leaking continuously, a trickle of what I at least thought at the time to be negligible purchases having culminated over time into something grotesquely unwieldy. As much as I hate the thought of it, I do have to start pulling in some income pretty fucking soon, or I’m gonna start facing some real issues, to put it lightly.


Didn’t get anything done today in terms of in-engine stuff, felt a bit distracted and unfocused for whatever reason. Every time I sat down to attempt to get something done I’d just feel this weird urge to get up and start pacing or something. I instead just decided to work on graphical assets, starting with the splash screen. 

Eventually I ended up revisiting Avery’s portrait, which I believe I mentioned previously I was displeased with, and I spent the entire afternoon basically redrawing her portrait because the angle on the arm/hand was inarticulately awkward. The new one I finished today looks a bit better, I still feel the posing is somewhat awkward although anatomically it’s now correct and all the lighting seems consistent now as well. I also painted her an alternate portrait as well, with her coat on. Tomorrow I plan on streaming some environmental work.


I have a difficult time believing the week is already over – and yet somehow it is. Today was a really productive day. Haolun stayed over again last night and after we woke we went over to the creek and hung around for a bit, although it was uncomfortably cold (somehow it’s dropped down to 22F, wind chill included, over the span of about a week). 

After he left I got to work and successfully managed to port over the system UI from But For Now We Are Young over the next few hours. Aside from needing to update the text on the various information screens, everything else is completely functional, and I even added an additional pop-up window for when volume is changed, which was intended for but not implemented into Young around the time I suspended it. Tomorrow (or later today) I’ll finish up the final touches on the system UI but otherwise it’s working really well and I’m really surprised I managed to implement it so quickly and with so few hiccups. I also managed to create a really cool ASCII version of Avery’s portrait, which looks far better I feel than the original. I wasn’t really considering planning on having a major nondiegetic introductory screen, but now that I’ve seen just how good it looks…

Staoue came over tonight and we drove around for a while, and looked at architecture manuals at the bookstore. Shortly after he arrived we had a pretty hilarious encounter with a police officer who, while turning into the train station where we had parked, apparently saw me gesticulating wildly through the passenger window and pulled over to check in on us. We quickly cleared up the misunderstanding and in the meantime piqued his curiosity about what we’d been talking about so animatedly (we were real up in laughter). Well, I’m not gonna tell you what we were talking about because I don’t want to record it in what’s supposed to be a semi-serious log but needless to say after we told him what we were discussing he too joined in on it briefly and we all had a pretty good laugh about it. He looked pretty young, just a bit older than us maybe. He seemed to have genuinely enjoyed the conversation, and I hope that he had a good time and that the experience had a positive effect on his night. 

For some reason that interaction had a very positive effect on my day, which was already going pretty well (and continued to go well afterwards). I dunno; I guess it was because it was the first genuinely positive encounter I’ve had with someone who wasn’t already an established friend in a real long time. It really surprised me – in a positive sense – and made me feel more, well… optimistic, I guess. 


Ended up finishing a region of the world map today, at least in terms of the structure. Created a few new varieties of underbrush although I’d still like to improve a bit more on it: add some fallen / bent tree variations, vegetation clusters, etc. Density is improving now, which is a good thing; however I have a feeling that performance is gonna start being an issue real soon, if not already.

I’ve made the decision to scale down some of the rooms – ones with smaller focal points, mostly – from the standard 480×480 to 480×256. That gives me the opportunity to make more visually interesting and diverse rooms without having to worry about leaving half of it empty or filled with repeating underbrush (however realistic that may be). No important content is really being cut by the reduction and in fact the smaller size means I can dedicate the space in a more focused manner. The smaller room size also means improved performance in a number of regions due to trimmed-down instance count.

If I can average one new room every day or two for the next two weeks, that would be an ideal pace for the trailer… then I can get back to working on mechanics. 


Didn’t end up working on environments after all today, although I did get a good amount of work done on conceptual planning: broad overview stuff like narrative structure and various topographical connections, etc. I woke up early today, around 0800, and although at several points throughout the day I was very tempted to go back to sleep, for some reason each time something arose at the last moment to convince me to stay awake. I spent the entire day too tired to really focus on anything substantial yet motivated just enough to feel guilty going back to sleep. It reflects in the quality – or lack thereof, I suppose – of my work today: Avery’s portrait really kinda sucks to the point where I’m strongly considering just redoing it altogether, I fucked up the anatomy real bad because I wasn’t thinking straight (not to mention the lighting angles, or inconsistent shading, or hell, even the proportions in some parts are questionable, etc). 

Well, it was just for fun, anyways. No need to get too worked up about it.


Spent a few hours this afternoon working on world-building stuff, just establishing various organisations and schools mostly, as well as some geography. Coming up with authentic-sounding and linguistically-consistent (well, internally consistent, that is) names is remarkably difficult. Anyways, it’s not really anything I can talk about, both for obvious spoiler-related reasons but also just because there’s not much to actually talk about in terms of the process. It mostly just involves a lot of reading and double-checking references. Time to get back to work tomorrow…


Last night it dropped down to 22F, and the cans of beer I left in my bathroom were perfectly chilled when I examined them in the morning. It’s strange: it already feels like winter yet I barely noticed the passage of autumn. One day the trees were just on the cusp of reddening – hell, there were plenty of green leaves left, even – and then by the next, quite literally following a particularly severe overnight storm, all the leaves were swept away and since then the trees have just stood completely bare. The temperatures have routinely started dropping below freezing overnight. I haven’t actually gone outside for any meaningful period of time in a week.

Today was a generally productive day. I started integrating a new room – ftaires! – into the main game for the trailer and was able to get a #screenshotsaturday post up showcasing the new room as well as the full animation for setting up and entering the tent. I also started work on some new posters for characters. Next week I think I’ll start working on new locations for the trailer. For the sake of avoiding spoilers, from here on out I’m no longer be posting publicly about story-related content such as new locations etc. It’ll still be logged in Github for later viewing, though.


Finally, a productive day for once. I woke up pretty early – well, “early”, that is, relative to my waking schedule the past several weeks – and, upon sitting down, felt an immediate sense of motivation. Or rather, perhaps more accurately, what I felt instead was the conspicuous lack of that dim, cloying fog that usually seeps away at my energy, robbing me of the ability to focus on my work for any meaningful period of time. 

I spent several hours today in a state of focused work and was able to complete a rather complex and lengthy animation for the player entering (and exiting too, as surprisingly, it ended up being pretty reversible) the bivouac. It turned out a lot better than I’d initially envisioned and in the process of making it I was able to gain a better understanding of multiple angles which I’d previously considered but hadn’t really bothered with because I thought they’d be too complex to visualise. Well, they were, to be fair; it just turns out I’d overestimated just how difficult they’d be to actually implement.

At night, I played several hours of Siege while drinking with a bunch of friends. It was a great time, and I had a lot of fun. In a kinda curious way, it reminded me a bit of how I used to feel back in high school: that sense of open, careless enjoyment of the physicality of the moment, imbued with the warm haze of alcohol and raucous laughter. It felt pretty good. I hope I can share more moments like these with my friends in the days to come.


Another completely unproductive day. Woke up around 1600 from a strange dream. I was in school still – it looked like my middle school, but I was much older – and there were two girls with me, who were also around my age. I recognised one of them, but the other… she seemed like a friend I knew, but I’ve never seen her before in waking. The sky was bleak and the clouds seemed to move at unnatural speeds. We drove back from the school through an incoherent town that felt like the place where I grew up but wasn’t, to a field that felt like my home except it wasn’t. There was a massive tree in the yard before my house and when we arrived it was engulfed in flames. The sight of it filled me with a feeling of profound sadness and awe. 

When I was younger there were many trees around my house but in time they were all removed. I distinctly remember that there was a beautiful tree with fragile pink leaves right in front of the main door. One night I got angry – over what, I have no idea – and I started ripping away at it with an axe. It bled to death slowly over the next year and a half, becoming black and withered. A thick amber fluid leaked from the gashes I’d opened up in its side. Looking at it filled me with a sense of immense shame and regret. My father cut down all the other trees around the house over the next several years. Tore them all up by their roots so that no trace of them remained except in photographs and other artefacts of memory.

Anyways, when I awoke, it was already late into the afternoon yet the sky outside was dark and filled with rain. I sat around for a while staring at the blank canvas of the sprite editor, copied and pasted a few frames, but got virtually nothing actually accomplished. These past few animation cycles have been unbearably difficult to get through for some reason, both on a technical and a personal level. On top of that I feel like there’s been this hazy fog encroaching upon me these past few months, that’s draining me of my ability to work effectively. I can’t tell though if it’s because of work, or in spite of it. I’ll give it another try tomorrow…


Didn’t work at all today on the game, although I did spend some time cleaning up some of the public pages. I also wrote the release for But For Now We Are Young, which goes over, amongst other things, the general state of the project currently and what I plan on doing with it in the future. I’m pretty satisfied with the way the write-up went and I feel I successfully managed to achieve what I set out to communicate with it. In writing it, I feel like I’ve achieved a certain kind of peace with the project for now. I’m glad I took out the day to finally get it done. On the plus side, I also now have one more entry to add to my portfolio, for whatever that’s worth.

I’ll get to the animation for entering the tent tomorrow…


Yet another day of slow progress. Implemented, amongst other things, the animation for setting up the tent, so now the player is able to unpack the tent tarp from the pack (the unpacking animation still needs to be fixed because the backpack is open when the player goes to retrieve it, but closed when the tarp is detached), carry it to a location, unroll it, plant the stakes, and set up the interior framework. Tomorrow I’ll work on an animation for entering the tent. 

I have great difficulty getting anything done during the daytime, and it’s only really these last few hours at the end of the night, between midnight and 0300, that I find myself really able to focus on what needs to be done and, more importantly, actually get it done. My mind wanders far too much during the daytime, over the slightest divergences and distractions: even now, though, every other word I type, I find myself standing up and pacing around for a few moments before being able to move onto the next sentence. This has always been a problem throughout my life but some days it gets more severe than others and I feel like lately it’s been getting worse, despite the fact that overall I feel a clearer sense of purpose than the last several years combined. I don’t know what it is or how to fix it, or if there even is anything I can actually do about it. Like always though, I suppose the only thing I really can feasibly do is just continue working on schedule and hope it goes away on its own.

I saw this interesting quote today on Twitter from Brian Eno (excerpted from a 1995 book of essays called A Year With Swollen Appendices), which I’ve since clipped for posterity:

“Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature. CD distortion, the jitteriness of digital video, the crap sound of 8-bit – all of these will be cherished and emulated as soon as they can be avoided. It’s the sound of failure: so much modern art is the sound of things going out of control, of a medium pushing to its limits and breaking apart. The distorted guitar sound is the sound of something too loud for the medium supposed to carry it. The blues singer with the cracked voice is the sound of an emotional cry too powerful for the throat that releases it. The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them.”


I was able to finish up the animation for erecting the framework of the bivouac today, although I think I’ll remove the guylines from it for the sake of convenience and efficiency. The animation took a rather long time although I’m glad it’s finally finished. Tomorrow I’ll implement it in gameplay, and if I have more time after that, I’ll also start working on the teardown as well. 

The next thing to be done in terms of visuals is the animation for entering and exiting the bivouac, which, depending on how I’m feeling when I wake up, will either be very straightforward, or unnecessarily involved. Hopefully it’s the former. I’m actually kinda looking forward to getting it done because once I do, not only will the bivouac be functionally complete (only missing audio), but I’ll be able to start properly working on the sleep system, which is something I’m very interested in. 


Didn’t actually end up working at all today, although I really should’ve. Well, the work week resumes in proper tomorrow. I’ll have to go back and clean up a bunch of old stuff: audio for kicking out fires, implementing the other lighter types, animations for erecting the tent framework and pinning the lines, audio for the entire tent process, taking down the tent… 

In short, there’s a lot of stuff that, in my desire to meet each weekly deadline (a deadline that I must remind myself doesn’t even actually exist in any meaningful external sense), I’ve been neglecting to take care of properly and it’s really beginning to show its effects, both in the numbers and my overall satisfaction (or lack thereof) with my work these past few weeks. It’s important to produce things in a timely fashion but it’s even more important to ensure a consistently high level of quality and if I had to sacrifice one for the other ti’d be the former without hesitation – yet somehow I seem to have forgotten that. 


Haolun came over last night and stayed over. It’s funny how in the intimacy of darkness the anchors underlying all our pretences and acts in the light finally surface: at the end of the day all there really is and ever was, the dim parallax of our existences, are girls. He compared the act of speaking into the darkness to a phone call: trusting the other to your voice and to your feelings, all the while never knowing whether the other was still there, still listening, or if they’d fallen asleep, or the connection had been dropped. For a moment I felt a sharp pang of… I don’t really know what it was, let alone how to describe it, but what he said reminded me of Lacey, and that filled me with a kind of brief, immense sadness. 

Later, Sawyer came over and we prepared dinner: cuts of lamb steak with potato and rice stew. It turned out very well. I showed him how to make a White Russian – well, my version of it, at least – which he liked very much. It was a very pleasant evening and the air was crisp and bright, and the sky filled with a hazy vanilla light. We watched the first two episodes of Watchmen afterwards. 

I was able to successfully complete the bulk of the work I had set out to accomplish for today’s #screenshotsaturday post by mid-afternoon, and get it live shortly thereafter. I was also able to publish the entry for firestarting that I’d said I’d eventually post two weeks ago: so today was a productive day, all things considered. My next post will most likely be about either hunger, or sleep. I think I’ll do a bit of work tomorrow as well: I’m gonna start recording and compiling some stuff for the trailer and put it up in a folder. The sooner it starts to take form, however rudimentary that form may be, the better I’ll be able to visualise it, and the more I’ll have to work with.


November has come, as they say, and with it a considerable drop in temperature, down to freezing. The storms cleared overnight but left in their wake an entire forest of bare trees. It feels like winter’s already come.

I got a decent amount of work done today on animations, although the latter half – erecting the framework, tying down the guylines, and then the entire disassembly (although I’ll worry about that part later) – are still yet to be finished. I have to implement the stakes tomorrow morning (or whenever I get around to it, just some time tomorrow), although the spacing on them will be complicated: I’m thinking about spawning with the foundation for the tent four invisible objects at each corner – hard-mapped, of course – and setting each of those as an interactive binary trigger which in turn will, upon player input, switch the player state. That’s probably the simplest solution, although maybe not the most elegant. 

Whatever, elegance is overrated.


Well, here we are, at the end of October, and with it, the end of Inktober. It’s been raining the entire day, from the moment I woke till now. It’s apropos to my overall mood, I guess: I’ve been feeling a kind of creeping melancholy set in these past few weeks but I felt it especially acutely today. I hope it’s not the onset of something serious. If I can make it to the new year I’ll be okay. 

I’ve been thinking about getting back into reading. It’s been a long time since I’ve read anything outside of work. I can’t really remember the last time I read anything out of strictly personal interest, to be honest. It seems like a really long time ago: even all the way back in high school, I can’t remember reading much for personal fulfillment. A full-length book, I mean. The thing is though, I just don’t feel like I have the time right now…

Work continues at a painfully glacial pace, but it’s getting there. Tomorrow I’ll make one final push to get the tent implemented in full before Saturday. Today I finished the unrolling animation completely and implemented it in-engine, so the player can now unpack the tarp from the pack through the menu, carry it over to a spot (with the placeable icon), and then unroll it into place. It’s pretty unrealistic admittedly, since in reality you’d usually unroll a ground sheet first and then, over that, the main tarp, and finally the bedroll… but that shit is way too complicated for me to animate currently and it’ll really cut into my progress and consequently morale if I get too caught up in it. I just need to get this shit done as soon as I can, upload it, and then start working on some new content for the trailer. Starting from now, I’ve got 1.5 months – six weeks, to be exact – to get the trailer done, which means that I have just about a month to finish the content for it to a point where it’s presentable. 

No time to waste… yet all it feels like I’m doing most of the time is wasting time.


Another slow day, although I suppose slow work is better than no work. Finished up the unrolling animations for both the tarp and the character. I think I’ll just end up using the original animation after all, just with more manual input. The week is already halfway over, and I’ve got way too little done. Every day I note my inefficiency yet I never actually seem to be able to do anything about it. This weekend, once I finish my submission for #screenshotsaturday, I’ll start recording and compiling footage for the trailer.


Worked on animations for the bivouac today. It took me all day to finish up the unrolling animation alone… at this rate I doubt I’ll be able to get anything else done this week (assuming, that is, I’m even able to get this done). I think a large reason behind my inefficiency was due to not being able to properly visualise how the action actually worked in reality, which obviously made it difficult to translate into an animation. I was focusing too much on verisimilitude that I realised it doesn’t actually matter (and unlike some of the other processes and animations, I don’t think anyone really cares how the tarp is unrolled since it’s such a mechanically trivial task in reality, with little bearing on the overall experience). Tomorrow, I’d like to finish up the animation if possible, which includes driving in the stakes, and pitching the tent. I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to accomplish that, but no work is wasted, as it goes…

I also made some significant visual changes to the itch.io page. I’m not gonna talk too much about that for now because it’s still in a very preliminary draft state but it is worth noting. 


I woke up around 0700 after a strange and vaguely unsettling dream in which I found myself being followed by a woman with no face. She wore a white button-up collared shirt and had dark brown hair. The closer she got to me, the slower time seemed to move. I could feel the space in between seconds growing further and further. She had no eyes so far as I could tell but I could feel her looking rigiht through me. It wasn’t exactly unpleasant, though: I’m not really sure how to describe it, but I didn’t sense any malice on her part. She followed me into a barren, muddy field. The sky was overcast but the clouds seemed to move way too fast. I don’t really remember much after that. 

Anyways, I was able to successfully complete the treatment for the trailer today. It only took me an hour or so actually, which really begs the question why I struggled with it so much over the weekend. Whatever. In any case, it’s done: now it’s time for me to start producing the actual content. Going over the list of contents as well as last week’s entries, I realise I never actually worked on implementing the bivouac, so I guess I’ll start with that tomorrow. 


Haolun came and stayed over last night, which is why I didn’t make an entry yesterday. We watched Her, and then talked a lot about Maria. Or really, I just talked a lot about her. I find it pretty pathetic honestly that I still think about her so often and with such acute emotion as well. Nobody should think about anything – especially another person – so long with such little sense of commitment to decision, let alone action. Well, I suppose I made my choice a a while ago. 

I didn’t get nearly enough progress done this weekend on the treatment for the trailer. I guess that’s the first thing I have to work on starting tomorrow (or later today when I wake up). In terms of visuals, I think I’ll start working on heating up and eating rations. If I can get the entire process for preparing and consuming one full ration done by the end of the week, and finish up the trailer treatment, I’ll consider this week a success.


Spent the morning cutting the trailer mix. Ended up using Patti Page’s rendition of “Raindrops” instead of the original: it feels more cinematic, and the female voice works better towards the consistency of the fiction. I’d like to post it but I’ll refrain from doing so until at least the final cut of the trailer is released. 

Sawyer and I went to see The Lighthouse tonight. It was excellent on a technical level and one of the best portrayals of the unsettling and often unintentionally funny and pathetic effects of prolonged isolation I’ve seen in film. I have little interest in watching it again but I’m glad I was able to see it in theatres. The sound design in particular gave me a lot to work with in terms of inspiration for my own work. It reminded me positively of Tarkovsky’s separation of audio and visual cues in Stalker, which, however little I think of Tarkovsky in general, is meant anyhow to be a high compliment. 


Didn’t actually end up working on the tent animations today, although I was able to implement an interesting new VFX configuration via the bktGlitch shader by blokatt. It’s a remarkably versatile and easy-to-implement solution that basically did exactly what I wanted with very little work or frustration. I’m really satisfied with the way it turned out and it’s definitely added a lot of texture almost immediately to the feeling of the game overall. 

I started working on a rough timeline for the trailer, which should give me a pretty clear idea of what things to focus on developing over the next month. Just sitting down to draft it has significantly boosted my sense of motivation in a palpably long-lasting manner. The next few days I have to attend to some personal matters – positive stuff, fortunately – so I won’t really get any opportunities to get too much done in ways of technical implementation but I plan on having the draft for the trailer done by the end of the weekend.


Back on schedule today, mostly. I spent the first half of the day fixing up some residual miscellaneous issues as I noticed them, and then I started working on the rework of the bivouac. I didn’t get much done in terms of actual in-engine work but I got a lot of conceptual planning figured out and I think tomorrow I’m gonna start work implementing the foundations starting with a rudimentary single-pole design. I’m hoping to end with at least a basic ridge tent but we’ll see. It shouldn’t be too different in terms of the animation, although I’ll probably have to get a little creative with the implementation because of the perspective.

For now I’m thinking that maybe the multitool will extend to serve as the major central pole external to the sleeping area, with three paracord guylines staked down, one as a major guide and the other two as tension points. Once the main pole is planted down, the major line is staked as far back as possible from the entrance, completing the tent. 

The other solution is to basically plant down the multitool beside a tree, tie a guyline between the two, and then suspend the tarp on the guyline and pin it down to create a low-profile lean-to structure with the excess tarp serving as a built-in groundsheet. 

Alternately, I could just have them both…

Either way, I think I’ll have to record a video of myself doing it tomorrow just to get a reference for the angle, because it’s kinda difficult to conceptualise for some reason. Well, hopefully I can get all the animations done tomorrow. I’d count that as good progress.


Stayed up all night last night and went to sleep at noon, ended up sleeping through the entire afternoon basically. Seeing that it’s already almost 0400 and I’m still not even close to sleeping, it seems yet another day passes in which I’ve failed to make even the slightest attempt to improve my sleep schedule…

In any case, it turns out I didn’t exactly fix the issue I thought I fixed yesterday, so I spent some more time actually fixing it for good today. It turns out that inputting a full script with arguments was not accepted by script_execute, so instead of “player_state_switch(light_fire)” I had to create an entire separate script just called “action_light_fire” containing the former script, and then input it into the script_execute. It took me far longer than it should have for me to figure out but at least it’s done. I also implemented the firestarter menu properly so that the player can now choose between different kinds of strikers when starting fires.


Neglected to make an entry last night yet – maybe because – I stayed up until almost sunrise playing video games. I don’t know why. Predictably, I woke pretty late today again. I thought I’d be able to start working on the bivouac but instead I got caught up with some issues regarding the inventory. I didn’t take into account for some reason when I was building it that using an item meant that the player would actually enter a new state so I had to


restructure the entire thing. That took all afternoon but now the inventory should work as it’s supposed to moving forward. Hopefully tomorrow I can start work on the bivouac. I think I might have to redo the animation for that as well…


Every time I enter the date I find myself astonished by just how quickly time slips away. I guess it’s one of those things you just don’t notice until it’s already too late to do anything about it. The next time I look, maybe the year will already be over…

Anyways, there’s no use dwelling on it too much. 

I spent most of my working hours today preparing the #screenshotsaturday post, which involved mixing the audio for the lighter and addressing a whole lot of unexpected and annoying bugs that I didn’t foresee. There’s not much use going into it because frankly I don’t even remember what most of them were, just that they were incredibly frustrating to fix. The implementation as a whole is still really underwhelming, both for digging the fire pit and lighting the fire: the animations are unacceptably rough and the process overall just feels really clunky and doesn’t feel good. I’m gonna spend some time tomorrow touching up on the most obvious bugs – mainly related to inconsistent disengaging after the lighting animation as a result of shitty unorganised code on my part (what else is new) – but after that I’m just gonna leave it for the long list, and move on to something else. The other firestarting equipment, maybe, and then after that, food…

I’ve also decided to start writing some public posts about various mechanics and their implementations. My reasons for this are twofold: first, to give potential audiences a taste of the levels of technical complexity the game operates at, which is a good few steps above the vast majority of other games; and second, to start (hopefully) showcasing the more mechanical systems of the game (including aforementioned levels of technicality complexity) and how much it differs from traditional survival-type experiences. I also imagine it’ll help me stay focused through the duration between posts, which I’m planning, at least for now, to be roughly biweekly (or every two #screenshotsaturdays). We’ll see about that, though. The first post will be about firestarting, and I’m targeting a release for next Saturday…


Actually managed to implement the lighter today as I was supposed to do yesterday, and I recorded the audio for it as well although I didn’t clean up, let alone mix any of the tracks so that’ll have to wait until tomorrow (or more accurately later today, although hopefully not too much later). 

I also introduced some pretty significant reworks to the way the interface system: the action menu can now only be opened when the player is idle, sitting, or walking, and will automatically close upon the selection of any action. I mainly decided to rework it that way to address an otherwise annoying bug that allowed the player to essentially cancel out of any animation by opening the menu and switching to another state, as well as a lesser (but still annoying) UI delay where the list of available actions would only change once the player completed an action. Additionally, the player can now hold down the interact key to perform repetitive actions such as building fires or digging, instead of having to repeatedly press the interact key.


Spent some time with Haolun last night, and he stayed over. We tried out a new diner – the Majestic – which was pretty good and the waitress was nice and then we stayed up until almost dawn talking about girls like we were still in high school or something. Our voices drifted through the darkness across the length of the room and when we stopped speaking the sound of the wind whipping against the window frame cushioned the silence with a comfortable hum. It was pleasant in a way I haven’t experienced in some time. 

Despite the very basic and straightforward nature of my task as described yesterday – the implementation of the lighter framework into the main gameplay – I somehow failed completely at implementing it and accomplished basically nothing today. I just paced around in a state of elevated energy listening to the new Taylor Swift album and thinking about the pacing of the trailer. It’s gotten remarkably cold lately, and it’s always colder inside my house than it is outside. I didn’t even get an entry in for Inktober, either. Tomorrow, I’ll actually get something done.


Spent some time with Aurora this afternoon, and then worked on the mechanics for the lighter. It works very well, and is basically finished: now all I have to do is integrate it into the main workflow and it should be ready. That should take very little time and effort tomorrow. After that, I can start working on other firestarting gear, or on new biomechanics for digestion. Either way, I feel like I made good progress today.


No in-engine work today, but I got the animation done for sparking and igniting the disposable lighter. I think the spark and flame effects could use a bit more touch-up – the animation on them is a bit awkward right now in terms of the pacing – but otherwise I’m feeling pretty good about them. Implementing them into the game once they’re done shouldn’t be difficult at all: I’ll need to create a new UI element for it as well as a randomiser for the probability, but other than that, the actual fire pit assembly is basically already done. I hope it goes as smoothly as I’ve just written it…


Didn’t get much done of anything at all, although last night (technically this morning, since it was like 0400) I finally implemented the rope, which ended up looking a whole lot better than I originally planned. It does use verlet integration after all, although the solution is frankly rather inelegant. Oh, well. You can’t always get things working the exact way you want them. 

Tomorrow I should really get back to work proper, back to the regular schedule. I haven’t decided yet what to work on… maybe I should finally get the firestarting done. Or maybe eating / cooking…?


Continued work on the rappelling, including a new animation for planting the anchor point, and improved audio overall. I still haven’t figured out what I’m gonna do about the rope, it’s really been frustrating me. I looked into more dynamic verlet-based solutions but honestly I don’t feel great about them. Well, I guess I’ll give it a try after all…


Successfully submitted the past two weeks’ of work for #screenshotsaturday, and cleaned up the animation and sounds for rappelling a bit. The volume on the audio still needs to be mixed a bit better I think, and there’s obviously still no rope: but it turned out better than I expected and I’m honestly still a bit surprised that I was able to implement it with any success at all. I’ll probably spend some time tomorrow attempting the rope and cleaning up any residual jaggedness, but I’m looking forward to starting work on something new next week. 

I’ve started another watch-through of GTO with Kristina and Staoue! They’re working through the manga as well, and hopefully once we’re done we’ll be able to get the live-actions in as well.


Spent most of the day fiddling around with carabiners and compression straps trying to mix audio for the rappelling. I’ve got the clip-in and ascender motor sounds finished, although they still sound a bit rough to me; all that’s left in terms of sounds are the clip-out and landing, which shouldn’t be too bad. I think I can get those done in an hour or two, and then it’s a matter of animating a rope and fixing up as best I can the shadows (or lack thereof…) on the descent… that should get me through tomorrow. I haven’t posted anything public in some time, so hopefully this is able to serve as a decent segue into a recovery.

Martin and I finished watching GTO today. Aside from the spinoff prequel, which we’re going to watch tomorrow hopefully, we’ve now seen every iteration of it it – 1998, 2014 and now the anime, all specials included. It’s been quite an experience, to say the least. This is the second time I’ve watched through all of it now and my life has changed significantly since last I saw it, which was during my second year of withdrawal from the world in university. I feel considerably more motivated and purposeful now. Nonetheless though not only has GTO retained its power but I think I feel even more moved now than I did the first time watching it, being able to recognise in it things I couldn’t see before. The Yoshikawa-Anko arc in particular moved us both to tears. It makes me long for the days of my youth. I feel filled with a sense of profound optimism and confidence now in myself and my friends. I hope I’m able to channel it productively into my work and interactions with others in the days to come. I hope I don’t lose sight of it too soon.


Rappelling has now been implemented although the sprite positioning is pretty off currently, and I’ve yet to implement an actual rope. I suspect that’ll take up basically all of tomorrow, I still haven’t decided how I’m gonna handle the rope: either as a complex static sprite, or as a physics object – or as a combination of both. If it’s the latter I’ll have to look into verlet integration probably which is again something I’m very much not looking forward to working with. I’ll also have to record some audio for it… 

For some unfathomably stupid reason I tried testing out the rappelling method Avery uses today by doing a controlled descent from my roof. The technique involves only a rope, without a harness, and it was… painful, to say the least. It’d be much more painful for her as well since she’s got so much skin exposed where the rope would be making contact with her body. For the sake of her skin and my sanity when it comes to spriting, I’ve just elected to give her a mechanised rope ascender instead…


Skipped a post again yesterday. By the time I realised I’d missed it, it was already 3am; it would’ve been too late anyways. Well, today was more productive! I finally finished the rappelling animation, or rather, the most difficult part of it. I could feasibly implement it tonight but I don’t want to work on this anymore for right now. I can’t believe this shit has taken up almost two entire weeks of work at this point… once I’m done with it this weekend I’ll really have to start working in double-time to catch up. Hopefully it’ll be worth it, although I’m not feeling so sure about it anymore. Well, if nothing else comes of it, now I know how to rappel down a drop using only a rope in at least three different configurations.


Felt a bit worse today than the days before, although I suppose it’s been somewhat of a steady decline in mood over the entire weekend. I woke up late once again and had some difficulty getting out of bed, but ultimately I was able to begin working on the animations for rappelling as promised, although it turns out they’re even more difficult than I originally imagined. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit more productive, but I’ll take what I can get for now…


I haven’t opened GameMaker since Friday night. Not that I feel unmotivated or anything: it’s just that the thought of having to work on the rappelling animations is really off-putting currently. I know I said yesterday that I’d work on them today, but… I don’t think that’s gonna be happening any time soon. Tomorrow though, I’ll have to start working again, no matter what…


I failed to make a post yesterday both because I was too tired and because I actually accomplished nothing of worth yesterday. The same can be said of today, I suppose, although today Sawyer and I went to see Joker. I’ll keep my thoughts here brief (for now) but it was quite moving and overall I felt that the film was able to capture a very specific kind of very raw emotionality that few other films have really managed to touch. It definitely not only lived up to expectations, but exceeded them in many ways. It does a great job not only revisiting the origins of an often-incomprehensible character in a very believably tragic and even sympathetic context; but completely reframing the pivotal deaths of the Wayne family as well, which heretofore has always been seen as an unbelievably tragic incident but in Joker it comes off as almost deserved, if not outright justified. It’s definitely one of the best films I’ve seen that’s come out in recent years, if not the best.

Otherwise, though, I got absolutely no work done whatsoever. I didn’t accomplish most of my goals for this week – those being completing the functions of the multitool – nor did I successfully even begin to implement abseiling, as I got too caught up in the actual environmental work. I’m thinking that, instead of taking my day of rest tomorrow, I’ll work instead since I haven’t really worked on anything these past few days.


A pretty productive day. I woke up early – or, more accurately, at the time I usually should wake up, although lately I’ve been waking up (and going to sleep) much later for some reason – to an unexpectedly cold and rainy day. I spent the morning working on implementing the final water effects as described yesterday: splashes and ripples for walking and raindrops, as well as more balanced audio. I achieved all of those although I didn’t get an opportunity (or rather, I didn’t see the need to) implement the water depth; I thought about it for a bit and it’s a lot more involved than I care to deal with at the current moment. 

I have to restrict player actions at some point while they’re in the water so what I’m thinking is that maybe I’ll just create an entirely new sprite for when the player is in the water. That’ll consist of four variations (not including the pack variations): entering, wading, picking things up, and exiting. I don’t think I’ll allow the player to take the pack off while they’re in the water as that would be idiotic in reality, and the multitool is also not really functional in any meaningful sense. I think I’ll also have to implement drinking from the canteen and filling it up, but that should be very straightforward. So, all in all: six pairs of animations, to a total of twelve. I think I’ll get to that tomorrow. I also have to work on the rappelling stuff at some point too…

While working on my Inktober entry today (which was supposed to be of Twitch’s elite Maquis set) GameMaker encountered some kind of bug when I tabbed out of the window which overrode about an hour’s worth of progress. After several moments of impotent frustration I decided to just do a completely different subject instead of trying to salvage the old one. Honestly I like the final version – a portrait of Mercedes de Costa – better than what I’d initially had planned.


I’ve begun working on the cliffside scene proper now, and started by adding some tall trees, which feel more appropriate to the geography and come in two variations: a single shorter tree and a small cluster of taller, thinner ones. 

I also finally got around to fixing the issues with the water effect by individually drawing each object instead of the entire application surface to the reflection, which gives me a lot more control on top of eliminating the weird positioning that previously plagued the effect. Now all that’s really left to do re: the water is to add ripples for walking, as well as rain. I also need to turn down the gain on the footstep audio for walking through water, as it’s disproportionately loud, but that should be very easy and straightforward. Lastly, I’m thinking about adding an effect that simulates the depth of water, although I’m not really sure how I’ll begin doing that, or if it’s even worth the time. I think I’ll work on all of those water FX tomorrow, and hopefully if I’m able to finish, I’ll finally get to work on the animations for rappelling, which I hope to be able to show off this Saturday.


The first day of October has come and gone without incident. Probably for the best, I reckon. I worked a bit more on the cliffside although, judging by the most common reactions to it, I think that I’ll have to finish up the actual rappelling mechanics for the concept to really become legible. I’ll start working on the animations tomorrow and, if I can get them finished, I’ll run a mockup and see how it looks. Part of me feels I should be working on more critical mechanics and systems – there are so many things that aren’t built yet – but hopefully I can wrap this up sooner rather than later. I’ll commit to this until tomorrow: if I can’t get it looking right by the end of tomorrow I’m moving on to something more concrete and important (most likely firestarting). 

Speaking of which though, this month, as an extension of Inktober, as well as in the interest of preparing for the trailer, I plan on focusing more on visual-oriented stuff: new animations, new locations, etc. It’ll be good both for output and for maintaining a steady sense of tangible progress on a day-to-day basis, as I’m beginning to get real tired of seeing the same two or three rooms all the time (as I’m sure others are as well). By the end of this month I plan on getting at the very least the first ring of the world map finished in its entirety. It seems pretty daunting at the moment but I figure if I dedicate a weekend or something to producing a bunch of environmental assets, the rest of the work should fit fairly nicely into a span of four weeks so long as I’m able to maintain a steady pace and not get distracted. Speaking of distractions though, Breakpoint comes out in two days…


The month’s already over, and I barely registered its passage. I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. It’s probably neither. Well, October’s here now, which means that Inktober’s starting up, and I decided to commit to it again this year (I did it last year as well, which feels so far away that I had to actually go back and check my Instagram account just to make sure that it was in fact last year and not 2017). I’m settling for fast, easy sketches this time around – so not at all that dissimilar to last year actually – although coming up with new things to draw each time is gonna be a pain the ass, I can already tell. Well, whatever.

I started working today on a new background for a cliffside. Originally I was planning on starting the animations for anchoring and rappelling but then I realised I needed an environmental context anyways and it’d be good to showcase so I decided to set that aside for after I’m done with this. The perspective is a bit tricky on this one and while normally I’d have been able to finish at least just the initial draft in an afternoon or so like I was expecting it ended up taking a whole lot longer and I still barely have the foreground figured out, let alone the background stuff (which needs to be rendered in parallax, but that’s a lesser concern at the moment). I’m gonna put in some real heavy hours tomorrow making up for today’s relative lack of progress.


No work today: day of rest, and all. I didn’t work much at all last week either although I don’t particularly mind too much, as I spent most of it in good company. That being said though, I have been considering taking a few days off either this week or the following to get some perspective… my only concern is that it’ll potentially disrupt the momentum, although I’d say this week already accomplished that to some extent yet I haven’t lost any motivation to work. Maybe as a compromise I’ll work at a reduced load? Four or five hours a day instead of the usual eight… that could probably work.

My objectives for the imminent future are to finish implementing all of the major functionalities for the multitool, including animations and sounds. Ideally I’d like to get at least one done a day, and set aside time at the end of the following day to clean up and revise the previous day’s work. It’s definitely feasible, I think, and it’ll be a good boost in morale once I’m done (on top of getting a necessary critical function finished). 


I was once again too tired to make a post yesterday, but Julia came over and we went to see Ad Astra, which I found quite remarkable in some ways. In the opening scene, a man plummets down from an orbital station to earth; the entire film looked pretty spectacular but that scene in particular was moving in a way that I can’t quite describe. It did an excellent job of portraying not only the vast loneliness and beauty of space, which are well-known at this point; but the banality of human efforts to understand it as well, with very believable depictions of commercial space travel (incl. the all-too-familiar overpriced amenities of the airlines, now also covering interplanetary travel – a hot towel for $125! – and even an Applebee’s on the landing terminal of the moon) and bureaucratic alienation. I found the film’s overall mood to be at once discomfiting in a sobering manner, yet also cautiously optimistic as well, and affirming of human interests and relationships. It reminded me in a positive way of how I felt after I watched Arrival.

Anyways, between yesterday and today, I worked on implementing the rudimentary foundation for actions involving the multitool, starting with the simplest function, which is digging. Well, when I say “simplest”, that’s what I thought at the time since it would involve no interaction with the environment other than choosing a spot clear of other objects: the actual animation turned out to be remarkably complex and involved, if not the most difficult one I’ve had to do so far outright. To be honest, I’m still not satisfied with the one I ended up with – something about the motion looks wrong, like the weight and angle is off somehow – and the sound design is really shit as well but I can’t tell yet if I want to work on it more and refine it now, or move onto the other functions and get those done before coming back and refining each of them post-scriptum. We’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow, I suppose…


Finished the sprites and audio for equipping and unequipping the multitool (which is basically the e-tool, except it has a few more functions). I also performed some general touch-ups on pre-existing sprites which had some inconsistencies I only just now noticed, mostly with the idle animations and pack drop/pickup. Tomorrow I plan on finishing up the major multitool animations: clearing spots for fires, digging holes, cutting down shrubbery, etc. I haven’t gotten much work done this week so I gotta accelerate my efforts.

Staoue and Kristina came up today. We went to the mall and then to the parking deck of the IKEA, where we watched the sun set. It reminded me of bygone years.


Met up with Sawyer and Norah in the city. We walked by the water and then had dinner at a place that served both corn dogs and Lone Star(!) and it was very nice. The weather tonight was remarkably pleasant, possibly even more so than yesterday: the more hopeful strands of autumn. I hope it stays like this for a while.

Earlier today I worked on some technical stuff, separating stuff onto different texture pages and overall optimisations. Tomorrow I’m gonna start work on animating the various e-tool actions, as well as implementing the submenu for when the e-tool is equipped. Once that’s done I’ll be able to start properly working on firestarting, which really only comes down to designing and implementing the ignition mechanic.


My birthday. Went out to the reservation with Aurora, where we looked at a waterfall (well, more of a water trickle) and the dirt for some time and talked about things. She made me a cake! It was an ice cream cake, which at some point I must’ve told her was my favourite kind but I definitely didn’t expect her to remember that, let alone that she’d actually make me one. It was a really nice and unprecedented gesture, and the cake itself was really good as well. To be honest, it moved me quite a bit.

I didn’t get any work done today at all, but it’s okay. I feel okay.


Worked on the overall visuals of the PDA, adding un/lock and navigation sound effects, and an animation for switching between scroll modes. It feels much better to use now. I’ve also touched up the interaction prompts, making the font smaller, the outline on the prompt thinner, and the overall shape of the prompt itself rectangular (it still starts as a circle, but the corners rapidly flare out into proper edges once the text appears).

Autumn has arrived. I woke this morning around 0700 overwhelmed by an intense, looming sensation of impotence and anxiety. I had another dream about Alexandra – one more in a series of several increasingly disturbing ones involving her over the past several weeks – and it left me feeling immensely uncomfortable and filled with a vague sense of disgust yet also an unfamiliar and perverse longing. I wonder why I’m suddenly thinking about her again, unprovoked. I’ve been experiencing a lot of strange and unpredictable spikes of negative thought lately, although I don’t feel particularly bad and in fact I actually feel better, or at least more motivated than I normally am. At first it was just a general sense of exhaustion, which was unusual but I figured I could just deal with it; but now I’ve begun to start experiencing these weird thoughts and dreams all the time, like something’s moving just beneath the surface that I can’t make out but I’m feeling the ripples of its movements. I hope it’s just the weather, and nothing worse. I wish I had someone to talk to about these things. Someone who could help me understand it.


Forgot to make an entry yesterday – or more accurately, I noted that I had to do it, and just completely failed to do so. I’ve been feeling really restless lately yet also incredibly bored. Any time I’m doing anything except working I feel this vague, free-floating anxiety begin to build. It feels like I’m wasting time yet also I find it kinda difficult to do other things: for example, any time I play a game or something I don’t really feel like I’m enjoying it on its so much as I’m just playing it to get inspiration for my work, which makes me feel kinda bad since I’m not able to appreciate the work on its own terms.

Well, today was my day of rest, so to speak – I’ve decided that every week I’ll work until I have something to post for #screenshotsaturday, take Sunday off, and then get back to work Monday – and I spent most of it in a state of gentle unease trying to do things other than work. The day’s now over and I feel like I’ve completely wasted it. Well, at least tomorrow I’ll have things to do.


Got a good amount of work done, including a new interface for the inventory. It’s rather late now and I’m pretty tired so I’m not gonna say much more about it, other than the fact that, while it’s a shame the older design (ie the physical pack with selectable pouches) had to be discarded, the new one is far better and more interesting, as well as informative. Tomorrow I’m gonna get to work making the animations for it – should be pretty straightforward – as well as the audio for the various buttons and functions. Those are probably gonna be a bit more difficult since I really have to capture and create some distinctive sounds but that’s not too big of a deal for now. 


Spent some time with Haolun tonight. It was remarkably cold and dry. I woke up this morning at around 0900 and for the next four hours drifted uneasily between states of consciousness. It’s been harder to wake up these days, and I’ve been waking up later than usual. It’s not a mental thing: I can feel it in my body. Must be seasonal.

I managed to begin implementing a resting stage based on (ie, ripped directly from) the gameplay footage for Death Stranding. Avery can now take off her pack, sit down and rest for a bit, and engage in actions like massaging her shoulders, stretching her legs and taking a nap. Resting in general significantly slows down the rate at which energy is consumed and completely stops fatigue from building, and the various actions restore burnt stamina (alternately known as fatigue). 

In general, all of this has made me reconsider the design of the stamina/fatigue system in general. Originally, the way I planned it, all actions would consume stamina and every in-game hour a set percentage of stamina used would be “burnt” (represented by fatigue accumulated), with the biggest difference in rate of depletion being tied to whether Avery was carrying her pack or not. Obviously, I imagined, the biggest drain in stamina would be walking and traversal in general. However, I’ve come to realise that in reality, that’s simply not feasible: a highly-experienced and disciplined hiker of Avery’s level would be expected to be able to pretty effortlessly cover almost 50km a day even with a considerable load under harsh weather conditions (and at night as well!), but there’s no way I can properly represent that much square mileage in-game without turning it into an absolute slog to sit (or for her, I suppose, to walk) through. 

That being said, the expedition is also not a long-range exercise and the actual area of investigation is actually pretty small, around 25km^2 (still trying to work out the precise size and scaling, I’ll discuss that in greater detail once I start posting about the world map): so she wouldn’t be operating anywhere near her maximum abilities anyways when it comes to endurance. I’m not sure how I’m going to implement stamina/fatigue in a way that simultaneously represents the scale of the world accurately while also not diminishing her considerable physical clout. 

Well, whatever I decide, it’ll have to wait until tomorrow…


I woke today in a state of confusion and vague dread and didn’t even bother opening GameMaker. For some reason, I’ve been suddenly thinking a lot lately about the future – or rather, the lack of one – and it’s really been wearing me out.


Just now, entering the date, I’ve come to realise that September is halfway over, yet I barely perceived its passage… I’ve begun to feel rather sad these past few days although in a barely perceptible way. I’m almost certain it has to do with my body subconsciously registering the passage of time on a moment-to-moment basis, while my mind is forced to catch up in lurches and sudden shifts. Perhaps sadness is too strong; melancholy is probably more appropriate. The leaves have yet to amber but I can feel it in the air already. The coming autumn: it reminds me of the things I lack. I remember a quote from what seems like a really long time ago: “To a hikikomori, winter is painful because everything feels cold, frozen over, and lonely. To a hikikomori, spring is also painful because everyone is in a good mood and therefore enviable. Summer, of course, is especially painful…” And yet, autumn too… 

Anyways, I finally got around to fixing the UI: and which, by “fixing”, of course, I mean that I just decided to completely replace with a new one. Lateral thinking at its finest, I suppose. Actions no longer show up in the letterbox, but as dynamic bubbles above Avery when she draws close to an object that can be interacted with. I feel like the current implementation looks decent from a technical perspective but also it feels very out-of-place for how smooth the animation looks, as well as the rounded corners (which I’m honestly beginning to dislike the more I look at it). In fact, I’m really beginning to not feel it so much. Well, at least I got the backend done.


The waterfall now has parallax and proper animation, but more importantly: I’ve revamped the transitioner system between rooms. Previously, the character, upon reaching one end of a room, would be spawned on a random point along the width or height of the opposite end, with a check to make sure the player doesn’t spawn inside an object. The problem with this was that sometimes, especially in visually dense areas (ie, the woods), it would be difficult to orient Avery and required the player to actively search for her for far longer than comfortable. Now, each room has a predefined series of points – top, bottom, left and right – where they’ll be spawned in exactly. This gives me a lot more control over framing and instantly solves the issue of players losing track of Avery upon a transition.

I’ve been feeling unusually tired these past few days, I’m not sure why. I wake up and feel… anaemic, I guess, I don’t really know how else to say it. I think it might just be the weather. Either way, I can persist through it, I think. Hopefully it clears soon.


Spent basically the entire day animating the waterfall in rmBridge. Finished the waterfall – it looks pretty decent – so over the rest of the week I’ll have to draw and implement the rest of the background pieces, as well as the parallax for each of them. Maybe even water vapour clouds rising from the bottom of the screen… well, we’ll see about that last one, no guarantees.


It’s pretty late and I feel rather exhausted so I’m gonna keep this entry brief. I spent some time working on completely redoing the way the UI elements are drawn. The good news is that everything – with the exception of the rain, which I’ll have to figure out at a later date – now inherits the visual palette. The bad news is that I’ve completely fucked up the interact and status text and it’s gonna be a total pain in the ass to fix them. More work for another day.